Win or Lose Dice Game

Round: 1/10

Total Score: 0

Current Round Score: 0


High Score: 0

Special Rolls:

How to Play:

  1. You have 10 rounds to score as many points as possible.
  2. Each round, you can roll the dice as many times as you want.
  3. After each roll, the sum of the dice is added to your current round score.
  4. If you roll two 6s, you get a bonus of 20 points added to your round score.
  5. You can choose to "Keep Score & Next Round" at any time to add your current round score to your total score and move to the next round.
  6. If you roll two 1s, you lose all points for the current round and automatically move to the next round.
  7. If you roll a 1 and a 6 (in any order), you lose all points in your total score and lose a round.
  8. The game ends after 10 rounds, or when you run out of rounds due to rolling 1 and 6.
  9. Your final score includes points from all rounds, including the last one.
  10. You can reset the game at any time using the "Reset Game" button.
  11. The high score is maintained for the current session. Try to beat your best score!

Strategy: Decide when to keep your points or risk rolling for more. Be careful not to lose your round score by rolling two 1s or lose everything by rolling 1 and 6!