Author Topic: Womens voices for the earth  (Read 961 times)


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Womens voices for the earth
« on: February 15, 2012, 05:19:21 pm »
For approximately 8 yrs I have been involved in industrial, commercial and everyday cleaning.  I have watched cleaners expose themselves to unhealthy cleaners with out proper protection and have seen the deterioration of health.  Inhalation of aerosols and absorbtion through the skin.
This is a group that I find that is making changes and getting things done.  From lead in lipstick to 1,4 dioxine in Tide free and gentle.  My first enlightenment is when I visited Womens breast cancer site and they stated in no way are women supposed to use chlorine products like bleach or kitchen cleansers because it alters cells.   I also learned that anti-microbial are actually listed under pesticides.
Check the site out. Cleanliness should not cost you your health.
Schools are now taking a second look and cleaners and the cost to children.

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Re: Womens voices for the earth
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2012, 12:58:46 am »
I was a primary school cleaner for almost 25 years and over that time I bought in all sorts of different cleaning chemicals.  By the time I finished it was the cleanest and healthiest school in the state.  I only used products that were good for people and the environment.  I was asked to go down and clean the toilets for the new cleaners a couple of weeks ago and I was shocked at the amount of different chemicals he had, none healthy and none of it capable of cleaning properly it was so watered down.  My husband reckons it was the shortest job in history, I only lasted just over an hour.  Would I go back again, no way not unless I could take what I think and know is best for me and the school.


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Offline iggygiles

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Re: Womens voices for the earth
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2012, 04:00:25 am »
Marg. Read your own saying. How true that is of many of us, and women in particular.

Dirts. Ever since man discovered he had an extra brain cell, he has been inventing ways to improve his lot and so artificially improve his life and combat nature. But nature is an equalisation force that tries to preserve a balance. For instance, we find that all the chemicals we put together to kill the bugs that kill us also have an effect on our wellbeing and the bugs themselves are immune to them. In other words, we are the victims of our own success. Here is a good example. There is a guy who lives near me who worked across town, about 5 miles away. Every morning, he put on his track suit and trainers and ran to work to keep fit he showered and changed into his work clothes and in the evening he would run back home again. His rout took him right along the main commuter route into town and he bragged that he could actually beat the early morning traffic and stay fit doing it. He now has a ventilator, (one of those little puffer things) and hardly goes anywhere. The running caused deep breathing but it wasn?t fresh air but car exhaust emissions he was taking in.
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Re: Womens voices for the earth
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2012, 04:32:21 am »
Iggy I can believe that.  I once barrowed a carbon Monoxide detector from the fire department.  I left it on and everytime I got behind a vehicle or in heavy traffic I got High reading in my squad.
I was just thinking about putting an article in the paper about Chlorine in School pools.  The American Medical association states that soaking or immersing in Chlorine can stimulate cancer growth and the American Cancer Society says that women should never espose themselves to Chlorine products.  Our high school stores the chlorine in the basement under the pool.  Can you imagine a major water leak and that Chlorine powder getting drenched.
Iggy your response was right up my alley.  Their looking at mining in northern wisconsin so I basically wrote an article like yours and made a list of mans ill effects on the environment and planet earth.  It was a very long and only partially completed list.  My son commented that the best mine is always the next one.
Wombatie I agree with you.  If you clean something why use pesticides.
The reason I like WVFE is that they fight the status quo and shake the tree.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 04:42:54 am by dirts »

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Re: Womens voices for the earth
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2012, 05:07:21 am »
Dirts, I like you could gabble on forever about the ways in which we are consuming the Planet, trouble is, you only preach to the converted, the rest only read about 4 or 5 lines, get bored and move on.  Iggy :(  :(
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Re: Womens voices for the earth
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2012, 07:16:49 pm »
Thanks for the insight Iggy. 


