My wife thinks I'm insane! I'm working on items for next Christmas.
I made some of these trees a few years ago. My thought is to leave them unfinished and sell them cheap. The selling point will be to let the kids paint and decorate them. I'm thinking of using some small scraps to make tiny ornaments to decorate the trees (but not sure how that will work). I think I'll have a few decorated different ways to give customers some ideas. And one of the great things about these is, they can be taken apart and laid flat for storage. The three sizes shown are 6", 5", and 4". I stack six pieces of BB ply and cut. Takes about 30 minutes to cut and sand the pieces to make 6 trees.
I will put the pattern in the pattern area.
Comments or other ideas always welcome.
Edit: OK, I thought there was a pattern section here. I'll just add the pattern here.