I recently snagged the Harbor Freight 4X36 belt sander with the 6" disc sander for an excellent price starting at 79.99 then knocking it down an additional 20% to $63.00.
I finally had an opportunity to try it out. I sliced and cut pine pieces for making a 24 tube holder for my scroll saw blades. I had to flip the 2X4 over to completely slice the board, on my table saw, this of course caused some variance in the board. Just tried the belt sander and it cleaned it up beautifully and then I smoothed all around. Quick fast and it was done. So far so good.
If it were not for Harbor F. I would not be into woodworking at all. I started with their scroll saw and liked it so much, that I upgraded to a Delta over the holidays. I have a grand daughter interested in scrolling, when she is ready to start she too will begin with the Harbor Freight Saw.
In the USA new economy, Harbor F. is the only way to go....