Author Topic: Hooorah! for the Oklahoma laws!  (Read 2073 times)


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Re: Hooorah! for the Oklahoma laws!
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2012, 05:13:03 am »
The second amendment was formed to protect the people from the worst kind of thugs... Corrrupt and hostile government.


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Re: Hooorah! for the Oklahoma laws!
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2012, 02:31:43 am »
Simple - we don't shoot each other. That has been figured as a problem in conversation, which most times stops abrupt at that point. Handing out weapons to everyone does not solve problems - it brings problems.

Let's explain some:

Borders have been taken down in Europe. You can travel wherever you want and work wherever you want. One could live in France, work in Germany, have an appointment in Denmark and head down to Italy (passing Austria) for the weekend - all without control or regulations.

Street gangs:
We have no "street gangs" here in Germany. You can go wherever you want to. There are certainly some areas, that are more problematic then others. But nothing to be afraid of, I can walk alone at night time through the Turkish area in Munich and also through the Steinwall-Area in Hamburg (ultra left, regular riots when police enters the area).

When someone comes to my ground I usually ask him why he takes the effort to come to me - that has worked quite well in the past.
German houses are locked at night time. Not just locked - the typical German house has stone walls, multiple locked windows & doors and an alarm system. If you succeed in breaking in, you'll probably have notified the neighbors and set the alarm. Neighbors are typical living direct next door, as most German houses are town houses.
I don't say it's never happening - but it has become really seldom. Normally some drug related person searching for money or things they can sell easily. Nothing that is worth to face the thief. So if that would ever happen, I would stay where I am, lock the rooms and call the police. The financial part of the action is covered by insurances.

Bank robbery:
Bank robbery is down to a few a year - nationwide. Banks don't have money around - it's all in the safe, delivered automatically to the cashier. the cashier is not able to draw a big number out - the system is preventing that. The highest you can expect in a bank robbery is 8.000 Euro - that's the limit the system is handing out. Some say they it's cheaper to let the thief get away with it than to close the bank for the rest of the day due to police investigation.

Weapon ownership:
In Germany weapon ownership is regulated. You can have sport guns - but you need to have a need to own one and to prove that you keep it in a safe separated from the bullets (also in a safe). Each murder is a major headline in the news. Also if police officers are using guns - that's always a topic in the news. The question is always if they couldn't do it without weapon.

Unregistered weapons are a problem due to wars in North Africa and the former Yugoslavia. But politics are aware of that and we are constantly making progress to collect and destroy those weapons. One can deliver any unregistered weapon any time to the police and won't face any charges.

So let's say Germany is a pretty safe place to live.


