Hi, new to scrollsawing here.
About 5 weeks ago I hit upon some of Steve's Tutorials on Youtube whilst searching for something related, may have been tools can't recall. Anyhow, I was into Pyrography and used to do the craft fairs (not done any for about 5 - 6 years now) so no stranger to the crafting world I was interested in scrollsawing after watching the video tuts.
Well, I got sort of smitten with the idea and bought a cheap machine to see if I would like this craft. Mmmm I did.
I made a couple very small test cuts on ply then set myself the challenge of making a christmas present for my wife. I checked through some of Steve's Videos and checked through all the news articles on the home page and settled on the 'tallclock".
I set about learning a new skill by doing and did successfully end up with a nice and fun clock that my wife loves to bits.
I had my duaghter make an addition (a butterfly next to clockface) and my son chose a flower lower left to balance it. This way they felt like they had contributed.
I changed the mahogant frontpiece for my own design and added some leaves to the bottom right base. Cut and painted some glass added a light and hey presto one fun clock.
hehe was not so hey presto mind, I struggled some, and worked round some tool limitations but in the end (being woodworkerly challeged ) succeeded.
My wife loves the clock, and I now have a new crafting skill I intend to develop alongside my Pyrography.
So big thanks Steve for inspiring me in the first place and also for the great clock pattern and tut.
here are a couple of pictures.