Thank you Torsten! I do cut these out for my own enjoyment, plus I don't think anyone wants to pay money for a picture cut into paper!
I posted 2 pictures into the gallery, one I own and the other (Robert Pattinson) I edited to make it into a pattern.
You know, you would think I would know more as far as the copyright goes since I do photography! LOL All I have kept up with is if I made the picture than it is mine...but never knew about as far as wood working goes, etc. Thanks for the tidbit!
The first one, of Tayler Lautner (Twilight saga) is one of the ones that I made into a pattern from a picture. The second one, of Dexter Morgan, I wanna say it was a pattern posted on here but I can't remember. If someone recognizes who made it, please let me know so I can credit them and thank them!