I really think that would be nice. I loved the article you did for today's blog, Charles. As you probably know, I don't really do portrait type of patterns. I loved seeing the way you make your patterns and I can definitely see what sets your patterns apart. Nothing is more frustrating than spending the time to work on a project only to find errors in the patterns. Over the years, I have had several offers from others who said they would help me by cutting my prototypes for me. I know some designers do this and that is cool for them, but I prefer to do all my own cutting. That way I know in my heart that things are as they should be. When a customer calls and asks a question, I am able to answer them with conviction.
Thank you for sharing your technique with us. You work is great and it will be nice to be able to see a 'sneak peek' at your new designs. My vote is all for it!