Author Topic: Cochlear Implant Information....  (Read 495 times)

Offline GrayBeard

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Cochlear Implant Information....
« on: October 22, 2011, 01:29:15 pm »
I am going to try to present here as much information and yes, some opinions, regarding hearing loss, hearing aids and Cochlear Implants as I can without becoming a stuffy old bore.

The Hearing Aid

In my past I have dealt with hearing loss most of my life and very early on I was introduced to the field of "Otolaryngology".
These are the Medical Doctors who have completed the full med school curriculum, done residency and then a specialized residency in diseases and injuries to the ear, nose and throat. Within this specialty there are those who deal only with problems and diseases of the the inner ear, i.e., hearing and balance.
They, unfortunately, are the ones who are least consulted about Hearing Loss! They SHOULD be the first ones to contact!
Hearing loss is related to so many things and the very first thing that should be ruled out is a MEDICAL problem. If there is not a medical problem they will either have a staff audiologist who can direct you to the correct hearing aid solution or make a referral to a REPUTABLE hearing aid provider.

Hearing Aid providers, you've seen the glowing ads, have proliferated during the past ten years almost as fast as websites. And they make some glowing claims that their's is the latest miracle gadget to make you hear perfectly.
Now, I talk to almost everyone I meet who is wearing an 'aid' and the first things I ask are "How are they working out for you?" and "Where did you get your aid(s)?
I can't back this up with actual statistics because I have not kept any BUT my perception is that for every one I have met who is pleased with the results there is one who has been far less than happy with the outcome.
And almost to a person I find that the happy one's went to a medical practitioner FIRST! The went to the HA provider recommended by the doctor.
Those who are unhappy have gone directly to the provider that they found in the Yellow Pages, saw on TV or in the newspaper. I know some of you will dispute my claim but that is my personal 'research'!

Hearing Aids will NOT solve all the hearing loss problems.
They will amplify sound just like turning up the volume on the radio, stereo or TV will and that is ALL.
Some of the newest ones can aid in upgrading the 'quality' of the sound but they are the Top of the Line and are VERY expensive. I know, I have one in my right ear. Mine, if I had to pay full price would have cost over $2,000. There are newer and better models going as high as $3,500! Think about that if you need one for each ear!
My own daughter-in-law who is an M.D. used to say, "Dad, turn up your darn hearing aid!"
What she didn't realize was the fact that it was not just a volume issue. My "word recognition" had dropped to the point that more volume just makes things more garbled.
And when you amplify the voice sounds to try and hear the conversation you ALSO amplify all the surrounding noise and just make things worse.

So if you went to a Hearing Aid Store and got an aid and you are happy and it is working you are one of the luckier ones. If it is not working it is time to go to the M.D. and find out WHY it is not working!
Don't just put up with it or even worse go to another Hearing Aid Store and try theirs. Find out WHY.

I never really wanted to grow up....All I wanted was to be able to reach the cookie jar...and play with my DW 788

Offline Gabby

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Re: Cochlear Implant Information....
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2011, 01:41:54 am »
What about relief for Tinnitis?
Is there any reputable help you know of?

Offline GrayBeard

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Re: Cochlear Implant Information....
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2011, 01:44:02 am »
I have never had to deal with it but I will ask Thursday....

I never really wanted to grow up....All I wanted was to be able to reach the cookie jar...and play with my DW 788


