Since I've basically just started in the scroll saw art, I find myself frustrated with my limited amount of wood worthy of the projects I want to do. Normally, when doing holiday lawn decorations I use MDF. Seeing how the finished project is painted, why use nice wood for that? Now that I want to do fancy scroll saw art that's not going to be painted, I need some nice wood. I have blocks of birch, cedar and mahogany which is for carving.
I am disabled which pervents me for going to a lumber yard or hardware store to pick out my own wood. Having to rely on someone to pick out my wood has been a nightmare to say the least. I know the folks at Lowes and Home Depot are trying to be helpful, picking out the most cost effective wood or "this will work just fine" isn't what I'm looking for.
Looking online simply isn't the way to go either as the description isn't always the same as what you actually get, not to mention the cost of shipping which truly hurts when on a fixed income.
So, how do I get nice wood...nice meaning doesn't have more knots then workable surface, stains nicely, etc. I've also found that shopping for wood for "artsy" types of projects is more expensive.
OK...I've whined look enough. Any suggestions on where to get some wood that will work for scroll saw projects, that won't cost an arm and a leg and shipping won't be more then the wood itself?
Much Thanks