Hello everybody.
What a great site this is. I have to tell you, I am completely new. And I mean NEW. I have never used a scroll saw, but I am excited to start. I hate to be a needy person, but, I will need all of the help I can get. There are excellent tutorial videos on this site, I have watched every one of them.
I am over 60 years old, so I don't know if it is too late for me to pick up a new craft. But I do think that I am a quick learner. I am especially excited to start learning how to work with acrylic material. The first video that I saw was the making of the name 'Steve' out of an acrylic block - that's what got me interested. It was fascinating.
I have to ask, have any one of you been able to make some extra money with your craft? I don't mean to get rich, but I sure could use an extra $500 a month. Do you think that it is possible? Also, in just getting started, what is the best place to get reasonably priced tools and materials?