I was finish sanding by hand a piece of Maple, when I turned it over to do the other side, it was covered in my blood. I somehow nicked my finger with out knowing it, then the panic started. Trust me when I say, blood and maple don't mix, I tried wiping the blood off the maple with water and a towel only to smear it and make it worse. I then remembered that hydrogen peroxide takes blood out of clothes and was hoping it would work on wood also, so I ran into the house grabbed a bottle and poured it on the effected area's of the maple....worked like a charm! I did that a couple times and the maple is back to looking as pretty as it did before the near fatal accident. Then I got a band-aide for my finger. I thought I would pass this along since we all work with sharp things and stuff does happen, thankfully I was able to save the patient this time.