Author Topic: Picasa  (Read 937 times)


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« on: May 02, 2010, 06:25:31 pm »
Hey Steve (or anybody else).  I heard you mention using Picasa for organizing, hosting, and resizing, and thought I would give it a try just for keeping and/or sharing the patterns that I've personally made.  What I've been doing is this...I use Corel to save the pattern as a jpeg, as I always do for posting/sharing purposes.  Now, I do my patterns gray with red lines.  When I try to view them through picasa however, the gray doesn't show up for some reason. ???  If I open the file with any of my normal viewers that I have, it looks normal.  Any insight on why this is?  Also, does anyone know if the gray will show up if I start an album and post them to that?????

Also, I have one pattern of my boxer that I made.  I added his name out to the side.  When I open the file with my normal viewers, it's all there, but when I view it with picasa, the text isn't there.

Matt D.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 06:28:28 pm by m_r_dxn »


