Author Topic: FYI!  (Read 2740 times)

Offline GrayBeard

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« on: July 09, 2011, 06:14:41 pm »

Hang on...I am about to 'ramble'!
74 year old male in good health with long term one ear (left) hearing loss.
Went for adjustment for Hearing  Aid in other ear and results were sent to my 'otolaryingologist' and he called and wanted an immediate MRI of the empty space between my ears.
He knew of the almost total deafness in the left ear but no one had ever really determinied why!
So he gets results and immediately again calls and recommends that I see Cochlear Implant specialist.
Then I get invitation to Cochlear Implant presentation..
5 hours later I have an appt. scheduled for evaluation and that took place yesterday, 7/8. 
I am a candidate and we are awaiting the Insurance nonsense to see what transpires.
IF all goes according to plan I will get the CI sometime late Sept.
NOW the fear and trepidation sets in!
I have heard almost nothing on the left side for as long as I can remember!
What happens now?
How will I react?
Will I be diappointed in the results?
Will I be able to even stand those noises I have lived so long without?
Is there some 'higher power' urging me to do this?  If so, WHY?
I have lived a pretty full life for a long time and why do I need this now?
I have had many major surgeries and do not fear that aspect but there are a lot of unknowns I am dealing with.
Not really afraid just anxiously anticipating the unknown.
Family and friend support is great so I guess Iwill get through it.
Thanks for letting me 'ramble'!

I never really wanted to grow up....All I wanted was to be able to reach the cookie jar...and play with my DW 788

Offline Gabby

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Re: FYI!
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2011, 06:25:29 pm »
I have copied your ramble and sent it to a friend and neighbor who has a lot of experience along those lines. I'll forward his response once I get it.


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Re: FYI!
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2011, 06:30:20 pm »
My fear for you GB is that not having listened with your left you are currently in your right mind. :o Now what happens when you can listen to the left? Can the right hold its own? If not...?  :D

Offline dgman

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Re: FYI!
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2011, 06:34:30 pm »
Well GB, I have been Deaf in my left ear for most of my adult life due to constant ear infections as a child. I've lived with it with out to much trouble. I had surgery on it about thirty years ago. It worked fine for about a year, then reverted back to where it was before. One advantage is in bed. If I lay on my right side, It drowns out all sounds, you know, The wifes snoring, the kids music, the road sounds.
Now, mine is not repairable anymore, but if it was, I think I would leave it as it is.
Dan In Southern California


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Re: FYI!
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2011, 08:03:52 pm »
GB whatever you decide to do I suggest praying on it and yep listen for the guidance. My hubby just got hearing aids a few weeks ago. He has had trouble adjusting to hearing. Thank the good Lord he has made the adjustment. His first remark about hearing was I didn't know how loud the blinker was in this pickup..  I'll keep you in my prayers and we'll hope for the best.. Hugs to ya... Sheila in Tx

Offline GrayBeard

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Re: FYI!
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2011, 09:07:00 pm »
Sheila...there has been a bit of comedy about this whole of the people I am corresponding with on the CI forum said when she got hers she almost went crazy with all the damn birds in her back yard! Another lives near a hospital and the ambulance sirens are driving her batty.

It will be a long learning curve since my brain is not used to processing 'sounds' from that side and it will have to train itself to convert the electro-impulses to brain waves and recognize them as sounds.

Among my greatest hopes is to once again truly enjoy music!

I never really wanted to grow up....All I wanted was to be able to reach the cookie jar...and play with my DW 788


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Re: FYI!
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2011, 09:10:53 pm »
The first thing I would do, would be to research everything I could, about the implant.  I'd list pros and cons ... is this something you want or something your doctor thinks you should have ???  I'd ask the Lord to help guide me with my decision.  Then if all that fails I'd flip a coin !!  Just remember, if you have it done, and it turns out well, you'll be able to hear the "ladies" nagging from both sides then. (that comes in with the pros and cons) !!!  Which ever decision you make, everyone here will be behind you 100 percent.   May the Lord bless and guide you.  Marion XXXOOO

Offline dgman

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Re: FYI!
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2011, 10:53:41 pm »
GB, Marion is right, If someone is talking to me from another room, I ignore then because I can't make out what they are saying. So it's not my fault I didn't here them, Don't blame me!
Dan In Southern California


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Re: FYI!
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2011, 11:47:51 pm »
Well you are not married so you would want to hear out of both ears.  I wish I was deaf in one ear and I would always make sure the wife was on that side.

Offline Gabby

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Re: FYI!
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2011, 12:03:23 am »
Well you are not married so you would want to hear out of both ears.  I wish I was deaf in one ear and I would always make sure the wife was on that side.

Eh what ya say?
Tinnitus plays hell with lots of things and is a constant reminder, the squeal is always there, and interferes with any sound in that range. Always loved to listen to the crickets in the summer, just barely hear them any more. Low register sounds pretty good still. Can't stand the little kids in the commercials, and can't understand them either.
Makes me Grumpy Gabby!

Offline Marcellarius

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Re: FYI!
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2011, 06:32:25 am »
I'll pray for you GB to make the right choice. wish you a lot of wisdom on this one.


sometimes I make designer firewood....

Offline Kepy

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Re: FYI!
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2011, 09:03:08 am »
Hey GB.  Listen to the Drs and then decide what you want rather than what they want.  You know that your family here will support you whatever your decision.

Offline Danny

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Re: FYI!
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2011, 11:45:08 am »
Hey GB....And all others....I never have given any thought to being deaf or even not hearing in one ear, but after reading all the above I give Thanks to God for allowing me to keep my hearing after 66 years.  GB I sat here and really gave lots of really hard thinking about your age and what you are going to have happen to you and there will be a period of adjustment, but I say go for it.  Quickie....Mom 82 at the time.  Cataraks.  Surgergy.  Went Great.  All her life she had never seen TRUE COLORS.  Her white was cream and Green was Blue.  Now she is so HAPPY with her NEW SIGHT.  Later....Danny  :+}
Danny  :+}


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Re: FYI!
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2011, 02:34:54 pm »
GB, since how long have you trouble on the left ear?
Any problems with that? Do you feel like you need to hear on that side?

After all it is a operation, it is a medical intrusion. You 'll have to deal with it. Is it OK for you?

It's YOUR body. Dr. can suggest certain things, but YOU're making the decision.

Offline GrayBeard

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Re: FYI!
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2011, 03:50:32 pm »
I lost almost all the hearing on the left side as a pre-teen after having mumps, measles and chicken pox in rapid succession. Back in the 40's there was not the technology there is today so it went on without any kind of treatment until I reached my 40's and the Dr.'s then told me nothing could be done. Today's technology is so good that I was re-ealuated and they feel that I will definitely hear out of the left side again.
The other problem is that my right ear is now down to about 45% hearing in general without the Hearing Aid and my word recognition has dropped below 40%! So even though I can hear what is being said I cannot understand most of it unless the speaker is looking at me so I can read lips and if they talk slowly enough I can understand. BUT listen to conversations and tell me that most people don't talk like the sounds of an M-16 rifle on full automatic!!!

The Dr.'s want to get this CI in place and have me train my brain to hear with it so when the right ear finally goes completely I will at least have some hearing. The possibility exists that I may get a CI on the Right side also but it is about a $30,000 investment and Medicare will only pay for one!
Anybody want to make a loan!!!

Just a word in general...When you are talking to someone and want them to hear and understand you...TALK SLOWLY and LOOK at the person so they can see your face!
I direct this especially to Teachers, Ministers, and Public Speakers!!!

I am in the position now where I virtually cannot use a telephone or cellphone for that reason..EVERYONE talks too damn fast!

I never really wanted to grow up....All I wanted was to be able to reach the cookie jar...and play with my DW 788


