Author Topic: If I posted this before....  (Read 807 times)

Offline GrayBeard

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If I posted this before....
« on: June 02, 2011, 02:36:19 pm »
I feel it needs repeating!

In the line at the store, the cashier told the older woman that she should
 bring her own grocery bag because plastic bags weren't good for the
 environment. The woman apologized to him and explained, "We didn't have the
 green thing back in my day."

 The clerk responded, "That's our problem today. The former generation did
 not care enough to save our environment."

 He was right, that generation didn't have the green thing in Its day.

 Back then, they returned their milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles
 to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and
 sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So
 they really were recycled.

 But they didn't have the green thing back in that customer's day.

 In her day, they walked up stairs, because they didn't have an escalator in
 every store and office building. They walked to the grocery store and
 didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time they had to go two

 But she was right. They didn't have the green thing in her day.

 Back then, they washed the baby's diapers because they didn't have the
 throw-away kind. They dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling
 machine burning up 220 volts. Wind and solar power really did dry the
 clothes. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not
 always brand-new clothing.

 But that old lady is right, they didn't have the green thing back in her

 Back then, they had one TV, or radio, in the house not a TV in every room.
 And the TV had a small screen the size of a hankerchief, not a screen the
 size of the state of Montana. In the kitchen, they blended and stirred by
 hand because they didn't have electric machines to do everything for you.
 When they packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, they used a wadded up
 old newspaper to cushion it, not styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.

 Back then, they didn't fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the
 lawn. They used a push mower that ran on human power. They exercised by
 working so they didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that
 operate on electricity.

 But she's right, they didn't have the green thing back then.

 They drank from a fountain when they were thirsty instead of using a cup or
 a plastic bottle every time they had a drink of water. They refilled their
 writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and they replaced the
 razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just
 because the blade got dull.

 But they didn't have the green thing back then.

 Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus and kids rode their bikes to
 school or rode the school bus instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour
 taxi service. They had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank
 of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And they didn't need a computerized
 gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in space
 in order to find the nearest pizza joint.

 But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful the old folks
 were just because they didn't have the green thing back then?

 I remember all of that.

But of Course I wan't "GREEN"....just 'RESPONSIBLE"

I never really wanted to grow up....All I wanted was to be able to reach the cookie jar...and play with my DW 788


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Re: If I posted this before....
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2011, 03:20:15 pm »
Talk about hitting the nail on the head.  Thank you so much for the post GB.  Brought back so many memories of the "good ole days". 
Our generation is somehow being blamed for all that is wrong in our world today.  I split my own firewood, work my own garden and can physically outwork most youngsters today.  You can take away my TV, my electricity, my appliances and I will still survive.  Wonder how many "youngsters" can say that ??? 

Offline GrayBeard

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Re: If I posted this before....
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2011, 03:25:22 pm » be totally candid ... DAMN FEW!

Even at my age and with my handicaps I can still out work most of the kids today!
And the hell of it is I would enjoy it! and they would be 'grousing' the whole time!

Pass this on! it needs to be said!

I never really wanted to grow up....All I wanted was to be able to reach the cookie jar...and play with my DW 788


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Re: If I posted this before....
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2011, 04:39:32 pm »
I agree with you both... Sheila in Tx


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Re: If I posted this before....
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2011, 08:17:47 pm »
In Germany we have to return glass and even plastic bottles to the shops (refund system). I'm always wondering if this is really green - as I have to drive them back, the truck has to get them and so on....

Here in Munich we also have this really annoying waste separation system - we are separating a minimum of 7 piles of waste and are now recently allowed to put paper and boards in the same box (what an effort - still have to separate plastic bags in big and small ones...)
Is this worth it? I have to separate it, drive it over to the collection station, from there goes a truck and so on. Is it really "green" or just some industry making money?

In France they just use one-way bottles, throw them away and the waste is collected each day and burned. Easy as that.


Offline Gabby

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Re: If I posted this before....
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2011, 01:53:56 am »
The whole point is our peers have grown so far away from the natural conservatism of those who were before us. Most people today don't have any idea what goes into producing all the things we take for granted, ground beef or vegetables, where do they come from? Most are clueless and wouldn't have the least idea how to kill and prepare their own meat, or grow and harvest all those things on the grocery store shelves. Most people from todays urban areas would be helpless in my life time and that of my parents or grand parents. Machinery and Electronics have many great innovations that have made our lives easier, but at the same time made us slaves to that same technology. I shudder to contemplate this world in 25 years.

Offline Marcellarius

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Re: If I posted this before....
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2011, 11:23:51 am »
I guess your right in quit a few thing here GB. but then again, the use to have scrollsaw's and jigsaw's operated by hand, and hey..... I'm not using them  ::)
the balance between the old day's and now is gone.
I remember as a kid that the milkman, baker, greengrocer, came at home and put everything in a paper bag.
at saterdaymorning a "peel" farmer came along to pick up the organic leftovers for his pigs.
a guy with a bicycle-truck was riding and jelling for rags and old iron and old paper

recycling before the green day's!

sometimes I make designer firewood....


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Re: If I posted this before....
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2011, 01:54:00 pm »
Quote from: Gabby
Most people today don't have any idea what goes into producing all the things we take for granted, ground beef or vegetables, where do they come from?

In Europe and mostly in northern Germany we currently have a EHEC-infection going around - you might have herd about this.

So today we bought our vegetables at a farm shop that we visit regularly since years. One of those farms selling their own vegetables and stuff, small but really nice. The owner told us that she has much more clients now and they demand local food so much more - she has problems to bring in so much. So people are coming back to local products and think about their behavior.



