Several members have recently sent me emails or PM's about copying and passing on things I have posted here.
Please, feel free to share anything I post with your friends, family, Pastor, mistress, lover or anyone you wish.
Most of the things I post I get from my friends and relatives or by doing my routine 'surfing' of the 'net'.
News items that I pass on are the ones that struck a chord with me and I hope others find them interesting also.
I certainly have no exclusive on any of the gags, jokes, etc. and I just like to make others smile as many have said they do when they read one of the 'funny' things I have passed on.
IF something I placed here lifts your spirit or gives you an old fashioned belly laugh I feel that I have done my part to make someone else's life just a bit more pleasant.
I don't like grumpy, unhappy people!