I have not shown some stuff for a long time - you know I have been busy moving.
Because of that I had to do some big projects:
A kitchen (IKEA Faktum) not really finished yet, some details are still missing. Also are the cabinets mounted to the walls not on those pictures (second picture above the left picture corner...). It has an oven with pyrolyse cleaning (cleans itself with heat) and for the cooking a induction hob. All cabinets have those "self closing & silent" drawers - and all cabinets are drawer equipped. So it's pretty much up to date. Took me 2 days to set up that kitchen (including fetching the countertop and stuff like that).
And this will be the place, where the "magic" will happen:
You can already see my wood storage rack and the saw next to a table, where I will hopefully get to do the finish of my projects.
I need to buy a countertop for my work bench tomorrow. It will be 80cm (nearly 3ft) deep this time! That's something I'm looking forward to.
And I will divide the room with a wall - the basement room is 40m? (~48yd?), which is much to much free space for me. So my wife gets some storage area too.
It will be another 2-3weeks until I get back to the saw - but I'm already getting closer to it