Author Topic: Blade Stuck in Wood - Help!  (Read 2149 times)


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Blade Stuck in Wood - Help!
« on: April 25, 2010, 11:58:41 pm »
I came to the web site today thinking Mothers' Day and it seemed like Steve read my mind.  I downloaded the pattern and got ready to go.  The only wood I have in both 1" and 1/2" was cherry (in case that makes a difference later) so that's what I used.

Amazing, on my first try at an angle, I got a perfect 1/4 relief.  I got the feeling it was all going to go well.  I didn't think that for very long.

I was using a number 7 FD scroll reverse blade.  Maybe that was my first mistake but I am still a little iffy on blade selection.  When I cut my little bi to test the relief depth, I couldn't get a sharp angle so I had this bright idea that when I got to where I had to turn the corner, I'd back out and change to a number 5 blade.  (In hindsight, I realized that would probably have screwed up my relief depth anyway.)  Well, it didn't get that far because as I began backing out, I must have twisted the wood or something because all of a sudden the whole piece was banging up and down.  I stopped the saw, got a good grip on the wood and tried again.  Repeated several times with the same result - banging wood.  Finally, I just released the blade at both ends and tried to remove it from the wood with a pair of pliers.  Long story at least a little shorter, I now have a chunk of #7 plade trapped in the wood with no little bits extending out either side.

Any ideas on how to get that out of there?

Charlie Dearing

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Re: Blade Stuck in Wood - Help!
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2010, 01:13:47 am »
Ooooh Becky.....  Either pull like heck with pliers or chalk it up as a loss lol.  This has happened to me too.  What you probably did is turn/cut the wood at contradicting angles and in turn you locked the wood into place.  Does that make sense?  In other words you did more than one angle and the two different angles acted like a natural vice to where neither angle would work to get the piece out.  It's so much easier to explain in my head.  Lots of room in my head. ;)


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Re: Blade Stuck in Wood - Help!
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2010, 02:29:01 am »
Yeah... think I'd give up on that piece of wood... cut into it V-shape to get the blade out, then use it for something smaller that would still fit on it. 
These things just happen... all part of learning process.
I still make lots of designer firewood :)



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Re: Blade Stuck in Wood - Help!
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2010, 09:20:41 pm »
I was afraid that would be the answer.  I think most of the wood is salvagable - certainly enough to do something else with.

It sure was exciting when that big ol' piece of wood started jumping up and down like that!   :o


