I'm looking to buy a scroll saw, or any other tool that may do a better job if anyone has any insight, for the purpose of hollowing books. i.e. Book box or secret safe type of things. I've been using a utility blade but the pain in my arm has led me to the decision to buy something that requires much less manual labor.
After doing some research I found that someone else had used this sort of tool do to the same thing I do but I'm at a loss of what kind of scroll saw (or other machine) to start with. I have moderate experience with different kinds of power tools and saws.
Anyways, I'm looking for something between $100-$200 that would work for cutting though paper that's been bounded down between two thin boards. The thickness of the paper could measure anywhere between 1/4" to 3" at the very most. (Most of my books are no more than 2").
Any help or suggestions are welcome.
~Sequoia~ >:]