You should go for some more:
first try to partition the harddrive. Your data should be separated from the system. You will have less data loss in case of infection. Partition it and change the path of the "my Documents" Folders.
then go for some freeware*:
- java jre
- adobe flashplayer and reader
- quicktime
- microsoft silverlight
- favorite browser
for the work on patterns:
- irfan view
- Open Office (for modifying PDF and it's got a part "draw" in it, which is really simple to use)
- faststone capture 5.5 (freeware version) for screenshots
for maintenance:
- ccleaner - cleaner for temporary files and registry - works like a charm
- notepad++ - a more advanced notepad, helpfull
Also helpful for Win7 is the
"classic shell", which provides some features of the older versions like the classic start menu (I hate this popping freaky new flashing thing...)
I'm also always using rocketdock - a simple menubar like the one apple uses. I stick it to the top and have alltime access to my favorite programms.
* (all mentioned programs are freeware)