Author Topic: We survived!  (Read 3030 times)

Offline campasano

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Re: We survived!
« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2011, 10:58:26 am »
Yes, I remember those days very fondly, I grew up in a family of 10. we lived in a house with no heat, just a coal burning stove in the kitchen which my mom used to cook and make hot water with a side water storage bin. We had one bathroom and 3 bedrooms, a small kitchen and living room. We had no TV so we would all huddle together in the evening and listen to the radio, programs like "The shadow knows", "the green Hornet" and other oldies.
We walked to school and after we got home we all had chores to do and then there was homework to do. no internet to research or calculators to help with math problems.

After we got all of these things accomplished we were then allowed to go outside but had to be home on time for dinner. The weekends were fun as we would get together and play punch ball or stick ball. We had sing along with all of the girls and boys on each others stoops, At times we rented bikes and would ride for miles on Saturday mornings. We were always outdoors getting as much exercise, sunshine and fresh air as we could endure.
We were all healthy and very happy. We all survived with no ipods, cell phones, Xboxes,play stations,etc. Yes I have to agree that those were the good old days.
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Offline Crabbyboater

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Re: We survived!
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2011, 11:42:01 am »
I have great memories of by-gone times.  Born on a Nebraska farm in '36, I was another who got up, helped with chores and then went off to my one-room school where my aunt was the teacher.  My grandparents lived on another farm about 1/4 mile away, and nearly every Sunday we would have dinner with them, along with several aunts, uncles and cousins.  "Kids were made to be seen but not heard" was often said, so we played outside.  Tag, hide & seek, etc.  I helped separating the milk to get the cream out, made butter and lye soap.  Mom made dresses from flour sacks.  Best part was cranking the ice cream maker(we were the motor) and arguing who got to lick the beaters when it was done.  We didn't have electricity or running water, and the toilet was outdoors.  I can still remember the phone being installed, two oak boxes on the wall, one being for the batteries.  Our number was two longs, one short!  But I NEVER felt deprived of anything.  These are memories of a true family, something I miss today.  All my grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles (except two aunts) are now gone.  The two remaining aunts are now 90 and 96, and each lives in their own home, both still drive, and they go to a casino every Tuesday to play the slots.  I call each every Sunday, and I'm still learning about the lives they and my now gone relatives led.  I'm not sure my kids are or ever will be interested in that knowledge, but they should be. 

BTW, I was actually born on that farm, the doctor came out at 2am for my birth, and later billed Dad $25.00, which included that trip and the office visits Mom had made. My sister was born 18 months later, and she cost another $25.   
Your web footed friend in Seattle, WA.


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Re: We survived!
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2011, 04:50:26 pm »
My sister was born 18 months later, and she cost another $25.   

Kids cost a lot more these days! Maybe that's why they are coddled!?

Offline Marcellarius

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Re: We survived!
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2011, 12:51:31 pm »
as born in the sixties I remembered a lot of these things.
when the teacher gave us a corrective tap/slap and I told this to my dad, he asked what I have done and then he gave me 2 more because I've earned it >:(
The day's we have to walk home with our bike for over 6 miles with a flat tire, instead of calling home on the cell phone to tell where they are and if we can hurry to get them.
I remember that on Saturday night all the children had to go in a small tub, on the table in the living room,  all in the same water, and being the eldest I was always last.....
we didn't had a bath but later we get a home with a lavette.
we had wired distribution radio with only 3 stations.
my dad worked at the telephone company and we were the only one with a phone in the block.
in the early seventies most people only had a rented wall phone in the hall.
patience: from requesting a phone to having one installed would take 6 to 8 weeks.

but it's not all that bad.
my dad was driving the car in winter trough the forest (20 Mp/h)  and we were riding a sled behind it  ;D
we swam in the canal and tied a rope or a string of bicycle tires on the bridge.
we "borrowed" 8) some potato's from a farmer and made a small campfire to roast them ;D
having stomach ache after eating to much unripe apples which we "earned" by outrunning the farmers dog ::)
riding on an old moped at a piece of land at just outside the city and then arguing with the police when riding home instead of walking ;D

the good old days, glad we survived!!



sometimes I make designer firewood....


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Re: We survived!
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2011, 12:05:49 pm »
Don't forget mumbley peg with a REAL Sharp knife. And darts and, bow and arrow, the real no no Lawn DARTS! I am amazed that I survived those days. Each and everyone of us have a wealth of stories to tell our grandkids (when can get them away from the dvd), some of them they won't believe. We are all showing our ages ;) ;)  Thanks for the memories!!

Offline Judy Hunter

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Re: We survived!
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2011, 01:00:32 pm »
Yep those were wonderful memories, but I like starting my car from in the house, hot showers, electric scroll sawing, (back then I used a coping saw).  Oh by the way......Harleyryder, I played mumbly peg just last summer and yep the knife was very sharp, and my body is still in tact with no more holes in it than God intended. :D
I'm from North Dakota

Offline Crabbyboater

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Re: We survived!
« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2011, 01:15:20 pm »
"The day's we have to walk home with our bike for over 6 miles with a flat tire, instead of calling home on the cell phone to tell where they are and if we can hurry to get them."

@Marcellarius:  You had a BIKE??  Wow!

Actually, you brought back memories of going on watermelon "hunts" at night.  One of the farmers posted a sign that said "One of these watermelons has been poisoned."  Someone (I'm not telling who) crossed out One, and wrote in Two.  And it sounds like many of us experienced sharing that common bath.

My kids and grandkids aren't really interested in hearing these stories, and I probably wasn't either at their ages.  But now I wish I'd listened.  Because of that I've written a little bio on my life so they can read it when I'm gone.  My mother did the same thing and I treasure having that.

Yep, we survived it all...
« Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 01:30:55 pm by Crabbyboater »
Your web footed friend in Seattle, WA.

Offline Marcellarius

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Re: We survived!
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2011, 02:31:32 pm »
@Marcellarius:  You had a BIKE??  Wow!

In Holland we don't have a school bus, so we had to go to school on our bike.

And I still have one 8).....
..... the only differences is that now it's only standing in the shed  ::)
« Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 02:34:46 pm by Marcellarius »

sometimes I make designer firewood....


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Re: We survived!
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2011, 04:54:18 pm »
I wa sborn in the 70's and we had BB guns.  Had scissors made from steel.  Never wore a seat belt.  What ever happened to talking your little brother into putting a screwdriver in an electrical outlet.  I broke bones had plenty of stitches and a few concussions, I am still here mostly.  Those things made me a better person.  Now as an adult I think how bad is this gonna hurt and will I heal before I do something crazy.
I walked to school or rode a bike.  Climbed trees and anything else that was available.  Swam in the pond on the old dairy farm until the farmer came after us with a gun.  We just had fun and we made stuff ourselves.
Rent the movie "Grownups" with Adam Sandler and it shows just how spoiled our kids are nowadays.


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Re: We survived!
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2011, 01:25:13 am »
I loved reading of all of your posts and boy all the memory's . I was born in 1970 to a Marine Vet. and Dad would just have a ball with me . If I would do something real dumb he would make shore I was OK and after say " Did it hurt ? " and laugh like crazy . A lot of good life lessons came from then and the kids today are just missing out . I do think it has gotten out of control with the government stepping in . I do like the technology we have today but sometimes I think it is going to be are down fall . My Father was tough with me but it made me a better man but you better not do that now or you will get someone knocking on your door . The kids are going crazy and you are a bad parent but you better not yell at them , use fall language or even threaten to raze a hand at them . The kid know what they are doing is bad so it does not make seance to tell them so . That is all you can do . Once I thought I was doing the tight thing my son did something really bad so I grounded him to his room for the night . So what did he do climbed out his window . I felt like giving him a but worming but You can not do that . These kids know your hand are tied . Yes I survived . But I worry If my kids will .



