Author Topic: Do you believe this .....  (Read 4049 times)

Offline mrsn

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Re: Do you believe this .....
« Reply #30 on: March 05, 2011, 08:15:08 pm »
I prefer to keep my politics and sawdust separate.

 The political situation is complicated, there are as many "fake facts" as there are real ones, and it can be hard to tell them apart. I don't expect that everyone has to agree, and I am sure you can guess what side of things I am on.

 With the cuts and things happening, I will need another job next year. My teaching job will not support my family. I know several families that are two teacher households who are looking for new houses, the hit to their income will make them loose their homes.

 It is a scary/depressing time to be a teacher.

Offline dgman

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Re: Do you believe this .....
« Reply #31 on: March 05, 2011, 08:26:27 pm »
I agree it is best to keep politics away from this group as well as religion. I can always see each side of things and respect the other view. But so many do not, and that is the sad part to me.
Pete, I don't drink coffee, But I'll take a beer! :D
Dan In Southern California

Offline Gabby

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Re: Do you believe this .....
« Reply #32 on: March 05, 2011, 11:35:59 pm »
Just remember folks this is the USA, where freedom of speach is guaranteed at least for a little while longer. Any of us have the right to comment or not, as long as they don't become abusive. Thankfully we are not forced to listen as yet. So we can decide to ignore anything said by others. Or join in, our choice.
If our discussion here clarifies something for someone else, I believe that is a good thing!
This venue (The Coffee Shop) was placed here for other subject matter than just scroll sawing.

Offline yyyyyguy

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Re: Do you believe this .....
« Reply #33 on: March 05, 2011, 11:54:19 pm »
you bet Gabby, I love the conversation and even if we get MAD at each're all too far away to hit me! ;D ;D  I had a similar discussion the other day and the person I was talking to said it was a crime teachers got that pay for only 9 mo. work. I agreed, they should have to work 12 mos. and get a 25% pay increase!!
I love the smell of saw dust in the morning.

Offline Gabby

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Re: Do you believe this .....
« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2011, 12:25:19 am »
you bet Gabby, I love the conversation and even if we get MAD at each're all too far away to hit me! ;D ;D  I had a similar discussion the other day and the person I was talking to said it was a crime teachers got that pay for only 9 mo. work. I agreed, they should have to work 12 mos. and get a 25% pay increase!!

Hummm just think those kids could be in college and out before they were middle aged, and leading a productive life much earlier. Say 3 years! 12 X 3=36 months college grads by age 18 or so, they would also learn that life after school doesn't give them 3 months vacation every year to goof off and play.
Orriginally school terms were limited to 9 months so that the children could help with farm chores so mom and dad could get the planting and harvesting done. Now it's really no longer needed as very few of our population are farmers. I saw the percentage but don't recall the exact figures. Perhaps someone with more time on their hands than I have could furnish those figures.

Offline yyyyyguy

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Re: Do you believe this .....
« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2011, 10:58:44 pm »
Whew...I gotta' get some scrolling done  :)
I love the smell of saw dust in the morning.


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Re: Do you believe this .....
« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2011, 11:32:32 pm »
A lot of this is why we chose to home school our kids. We as their parents wanted our influence on our kids. We did a good job according to their HS teachers. Well at least on the first 3. Bottom 3 still a work in progress. 8)

MrsN, I can tell you are a good teacher! You care about your job and the kids you teach, from what I have gathered in your comments on this whole forum.
Keep at it! :)

Parenting is 24/7! Some don't get it! Send their kid off to school to be baby sat, out of sight out of mind. "little johnny" is having trouble at school? Oh but he is my darling at home. That's the schools problem. Uhm...NO that means parental involvement and those really are horns under his red cape, not halo mounts!  ;D

Whew where did that soapbox come from?! ::) I'll step down now! :D

Offline Gabby

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Re: Do you believe this .....
« Reply #37 on: March 07, 2011, 03:14:00 am »
Good response Howard, just don't let up on those last three, it doesn't look like it's going to get any easier. Being a parent isn't just having a kid, any idiot can do that! Love isn't giving them every thing they want. It's giving them everything they need.
This is the lesson our government needs to learn as well.


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Re: Do you believe this .....
« Reply #38 on: March 09, 2011, 12:50:36 am »
Society as a whole is failing our kids.  I barely graduated highschool myself, I took the remedial English classes and barely passed them.  Now 19 years later I am responsible for writing sailors performance evaluations, I see some Officers that have 4 year college degrees and their writing is worse than mine.  Young adults cant even balance a check book nowadays.  I learned how to write checks and balance a check book in Math class in the 8th grade.  I have 25 year olds that cant do it.  Parents now a days are not parenting they do everything for there kids to protect them.  We are protecting our kids, I prefer pacifying, and not teaching them or preparing them for the real world.
I am proud of what I do and do my best to take care of my sailors, but there are times I am absolutley overwhelmed trying to deal with their personal problems when I have my own at home.  Grown men cant figure out how to pay bills or what they need to do to file their taxes.  How to register their car or where to get insurance.  In this age of the computer everything is at your finger tips and they cant find anything on their own.  They are so lazy they cant "google" something for the answer.  If my wife and I have another kid we are not gonna mess this one up, the other 3 its too late for.
At work my First Class came up with the rule that if you are late you are responsible for taking the trash out everyday until someone else is late.  We had problems with people being late on a regular basis.  Well one guy showed up late and he was taking out trash for a month before someone else was late.  It proved to be very effective and instead of having someone late everyday we now have some one late once a month.  I can handle that.


