Author Topic: Sick of this Weather  (Read 1177 times)


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Sick of this Weather
« on: February 09, 2011, 02:07:18 pm »
    Went to help my Mother-In -Law last Sunday. Cleaned her drive the best I could, (nothing but ice)! She was worried about her heat pump. So the good Son-In-Law that I am. I went be-bopping around the garage, and then it happened. BAM, I hit a patch of ice. My feet flew out from under me, and down I went. I landed right on my right shoulder. I got up, brushed myself off, not to bad I thought. Took a couple of steps, and BAM, down I went for the second time. Landing right on my right shoulder again! Didn't hurt to bad. Until Sunday night. I couldn't move my right arm at all. Went to the doctor Monday. He took x-rays. Told me nothing was broken. But I had jammed and brused my shoulder. I have to take it easy for a week, no working in my shop! I have to ask. How in the world do you take it easy. Rest, do nothing for a week? I like to stay busy. Always doing something. I'm about to go stark raving mad!   Dave :'(

Offline heiko rettberg

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Re: Sick of this Weather
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2011, 02:51:59 pm »
Your story look likes a Slapstick.
Fine that nothing was broken only blue hamlet.
I wish you the best.

Offline GrayBeard

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Re: Sick of this Weather
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2011, 03:34:47 pm »
Dave...I sympathize with you because I have been there....

3 years ago next month is when I lost part of the use of my right arm and for a guy who has been a handyman/mechanic/weekend athlete all his life the following year was pure torture.

I thanked God for my 'computer hobby'! With that I was able to be somewhat productive and keep my sanity.

Whatever you do, give that shoulder time to heal!
The rehab time for a knee replacement is about 6 weeks if you do your exercises and PT.
The shoulder is a much more complex joint and has movement in all directions and the muscles, tendons and nerves are so much more complex!
My future daughter in  law (age 50) had rotator cuff surgery on Jan. 2nd. Yesterday they finally gave her permission to go without the sling! She still faces another 4 months of PT twice a week!

So use up some of that sick leave you have accumulated and take it easy!
AND...make it a point to try and learn to do some things lefthanded!

One last item...I have two friends who are Orthopedic Surgeons. They, all Ortho Surgeons say the same thing...The best things for their business are
1. Ice Storms
2. The start of the Senior Men's Softball Season!

« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 03:37:10 pm by GrayBeard »
I never really wanted to grow up....All I wanted was to be able to reach the cookie jar...and play with my DW 788

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Re: Sick of this Weather
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2011, 04:29:57 pm »
Hey Dave, that's really bad luck.
feel sorry for you.
there is one thing you "must" do and an other you could do.
first: keep moving your shoulder and exercise.
Your shoulder does, in exception to other moving parts ( knees. elbow, etc) not lubricate it self well.
if you don't move your shoulder it can get "stuck".
you need a lot of physiotherapy if this happens. 

second I agree with GB regarding the computer. My idea is make a lot of patterns, this will give you something to saw when your healed again.

get well soon!

sometimes I make designer firewood....


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Re: Sick of this Weather
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2011, 05:27:11 pm »
    I've been trying to stay busy doing little things around the house. Doing my exercises, like the doctor told me. Using my left arm is challange. But I'm the type of guy that has to be doing something all the time. Its driving me nuts not to be working in my shop!  Dave :'(


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Re: Sick of this Weather
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2011, 06:13:22 pm »
Sorry to hear about your injury...I guess I shouldn't tell you its about 78 degrees outside with blue skies here in CA ;D. Oh could always work on your "wisdom" or "freedom" as GB told us about in another post.

Good luck healing up quickly and getting back in your shop.


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Re: Sick of this Weather
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2011, 07:47:33 pm »
I like a guy who falls down and just gets right back up........
trouble is you shouldn't have fallen down again !!!   
Help me I've fallen and I can't get up........ ;D ;D
Hope you get well soon ...


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Re: Sick of this Weather
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2011, 01:15:00 pm »
Growing up on ice and snow I know how you feel that is something that does hurt alot more so when it is your pride like they all have siad before me GIVE IT TIME TO HEAL I know this because I didn't now I am nursing a bad shoulder from when I was younger and did this same thing when this cold weather hits ol ARTHUR gets in shoulder and reminds me I didn't let it heal up. Now as for taking the week off enjoy it work on new patterns or look some up go shopping for some new ones or sit here on the forum and talk.
You will be back to work in no time and this will be a thing of the past Well until the mother in law says something you don't agree with you can always remind her of this lol.

Good Luck and REST!!!

Offline Judy Hunter

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Re: Sick of this Weather
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2011, 07:53:04 pm »
Get your self a big ol' jigsaw. puzzle and listen to good music.   It is tough to be laid up.  Everybody says "Hang in there".  I heard today that hanging in there is a lot better than hang out  ;D
I'm from North Dakota


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Re: Sick of this Weather
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2011, 10:45:07 pm »
Everyone is right Dave, hang in there buddy!
I had left shoulder surgery April 08 wasn't cleared for work until Oct 08! I nursed that bad shoulder for 4 months before going to the doctor. I had to have therapy for 5 months in order to get ready for the surgery! All in all 11 months off work!
So do what the doc says and hopefully you are good as new.

Offline Crabbyboater

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Re: Sick of this Weather
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2011, 02:07:11 pm »
Sorry to hear about your shoulder, Dave.  I did the same thing a few years ago in Nebraska.  Didn't hurt real bad until the next day, and then things went downhill.  Doc did Xrays and didn't see anything.  Thought I might have damaged my ribs.  After a week or so of going back they finally did an MRI and saw that I had damaged my rotator cuff.  I had surgery for that, and then didn't give myself enough time to heal, pulling things loose.  Back to surgery AGAIN!  Took me many months before I was able to lift my right arm over my head, but I finally got there.

I guess I'm trying to say that if you don't feel you're making progress after a week, ask for the MRI.  Xrays don't show that kind of damage.
Your web footed friend in Seattle, WA.

Offline Russ C

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Re: Sick of this Weather
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2011, 06:47:51 am »
Taking it easy for a week will help you recover faster just going to have to find something to occupy your time. You don't want to make it worse.   :D

Keep The Blade On The Line.


