I picked up a 16" Porter Cable Scroll Saw at Lowes. I got it for one purpose, I fly RC airplanes and needed something to cut intricate plywood parts. Now that I have it, it seems there is just so much it can do.
Any comments on this saw? I first picked up a Skill, but then read terrible reviews and returned it before I even opened it. This one has a stand, and when I fired it up the other night and made some test cuts, it didn't vibrate much and was easy to control.
My last question concerns blades. I cut some thin plywood. 1/8, 3/16, 1/4 stuff. What blade shoud I use? I was cutting this stuff with a small circular saw (at least the main cutout), and it ripped the stuff up pretty bad. I had to cut it oversized and sand it to the lines. I got a selection of blades, including the spiral blades.
I know I can trial and error it, but any insight is appreciated.