Author Topic: Transfer  (Read 1297 times)

Offline Nbmartin

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« on: December 13, 2021, 07:56:06 am »
Sloans Woodworking  is closing down and I can’t get the transfer  paper they use to sell. That made transferring my scrollsaw patterns onto my wood a lot easier. Anyone know where I can find transfer sheets for transferring patterns onto wood?

Offline KCSteve

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Re: Transfer
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2021, 08:35:16 am »
I think most folks here just stick the paper down, often with a layer of blue tape over the wood to make removal simpler.
But I also used to do hand engraving so I know a lot of ways to transfer a pattern.

Graphite: rub a soft lead pencil over the back of your pattern and then press firmly on the front while you trace it.  This will transfer a nice pencil line to the surface.

Acetone: most printer toners (usually not Brother, for some reason) have binders that dissolve in acetone.  Print the pattern mirrored and then place it face down over the surface.  Rub the back with an acetone soaked paper towel.  The binder on the toner will dissolve and the image will transfer to the surface. Takes a little practice to get it just right.  Not enough and you get skips, too much and it blurs.  Need to lift the paper off while it's still damp.  Nail polish remove is usually acetone plus a scent.

Any place that sells sewing supplies should have a transfer paper used to get patterns onto fabric that will probably work.

If you can still find good old carbon paper that should work.

Good luck!

Offline spirithorse

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Re: Transfer
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2021, 08:36:52 pm »
Winfield Collection and Scroller Ltd ( catalog both have transfer sheets.
God Bless! Spirithorse


