Author Topic: Which scroll saw to buy  (Read 1076 times)

Offline richardh42

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Which scroll saw to buy
« on: July 19, 2020, 10:21:56 pm »
I have a Hegner MultiMax 18 that I bought in 1992.  Starting to have small problems and it's so old I can't upgrade to the new front quick change blade holder.
I am looking to replace it with the Hegner, the Pegas or the Dewalt 788.  What scroll saw would you recommend even if it's not one of these three?

I value your input.


Offline KCSteve

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Re: Which scroll saw to buy
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2020, 07:45:40 pm »
I'm very happy with my 18" Jet.  They use a lower blade holder and give you three so you can change blades in a snap if you want.
I generally use the same holder for a particular type of blade so my blade changes aren't that fast.  Then again, I'm not in a hurry.

You pop the lower holder into place, set the top of the blade into the clamp and then flip a lever to bring it up to tension.  It's always the same tension.  Setting the tension is slightly different on a Jet. The big knob at the back is just to get the arms parallel.  That affects tension but it's very crude.  Take the advice I got from someone else and mark your knob (I use some tape) in case it gets moved.

You set the tension by rotating the flip lever that tensions the blade.  Twist it right for tight. left for loose.

If you're doing a lot of fret work you'll like that there's a slot right to about 1/8" from the front of the saw table.  Pop the lower blade holder out and you can go up through a hole right up front.  Then you can slide back to the right spot, pop the holder into place and tension the blade.

Offline don in brooklin on

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Re: Which scroll saw to buy
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2020, 05:42:26 am »
I have an EX-21 that I bought in 2012 and added the Pegas blade holders last year.  Runs like a charm and so I would highly recommend the Pegas or a King . (The new EX-21 are built in China and have not been getting great reviews on the forums.)

Our club has DW 788's.  They cut okay but the arm that does not stay up drives me nuts.  Also, the table tilts versus the head tilting.  I gave a course doing a basket that had an 18 degrees tilt and some participants had trouble keeping the basket on the slant and following the lines. 

As they say "buy the best you can afford".


