Pegus makes a beautiful machine. Designs of most major machines are similar but not blades. I learned early on that blades are in the eyes of the beholder. At first I began with Olson. Hated them. So many of them seemed to simply snap at first sign of wear. I still don't like the Olson blades, even PGT but for their sharktooth line.
Pegas makes blades and machines. You can have anything fail, and it sounds like they had a bad run on their 2/0 I would contact them with the problem. but I would also keep in mind, just because you own a Pegas machine doesn't mean you are stuck with using Pegas blades. I had to get past my bias and have a large supply of various types of
and makes of blades from Olson and Sharktooth, to flying dutchman, to Pegas, and more. Each has their use. Until you solve your problem try the Flying dutchman 2/0. at least until you resolve your issues what works best for, and find an alternate for all of them should you run into problems. It is always desirable to have a fall back when you are at work and concentrating on your cuts. Don't know if this helps but just thought I would provide my imput.