Author Topic: Change of Blade Type?  (Read 1384 times)

Offline Oscar

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Change of Blade Type?
« on: November 10, 2019, 01:18:49 pm »
Hi all...

Technically, I am a long time scroller seeing as I've had my DeWalt 788 for more than seven years.  In real life I'm pretty much a newbie.
When I bought my saw I managed to do a couple of patterns.  But shortly after that, a lot of changes were happening in my life that kept me away from the saw - parents passing away within 5 years of each other.  And a total of five foot surgeries within two years.  And so all of this kept me away from the saw.  But I'm happy to report that life has started to level out and I now am back at it.

Back when I first got my saw, Flying Dutchman seemed to be everyone's choice of blades.  I now see that Pegas blades are popular.  Is there really a lot of difference between FD and Pegas.  Should I be making the change?

My go to blade has been the FD Ultra Reverse #5.  I also use the UR #3 for smaller intricate cuts.  I love cutting fretwork projects.  If I were advised to make the change over to Pegas blades, which ones would be similar to the FD's that I'm using now?  Or is there another type that would be even better for me?  I'm beginning to get low on blades and will be making an order very soon and am in need of some guidance towards what I should be getting.  Most of my projects are done with 1/2 birch or 1/2" plywood on occasion.  But mostly birch.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Offline don in brooklin on

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Re: Change of Blade Type?
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2019, 04:37:54 am »
I have used FD Ultra Reverse for many years but I thought I would try the Pegas MGT blades a little while ago.

I found that the Pegas blades were a lot more aggressive.  I tried on various projects but still preferred the UR.  I could control better and I thought I got a cleaner cut. The MGT may have lasted a longer.  One project was on 1/2 inch Baltic birch which is hard on blades.  After a while I seemed to get a better control.

Also, I buy mine from Mikes Woodworking usually by the gross and even with shipping, converting to Cdn $ the cost is about $4 a doz. The Pegas blades from a Canadian source the cost is over $6 a doz. due to higher shipping and tax.  Call me cheap.

I think which blade you use is what you get used to.  I have friends who won't use anything but Olsen blades but when come right down to it because they are locally available and a guy at the club buys in bulk to get the price down but they are still way more expensive then the FD.

If you do switch it may take a bit to get used to.  Me I didn't have the patience.


Offline Intarsia92

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Re: Change of Blade Type?
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2019, 09:21:10 am »
I agree with Don, the best blade is the one you are used to. That said, It's the one I have all three, FD, Pegas and Olsen and like them all; but whenever I want to get something exact I'll pick an Olsen blade every time.  it's the one I have been using the longest and most familiar with.

Hegner 20" Polymax

Offline Oscar

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Re: Change of Blade Type?
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2019, 01:29:31 pm »
Thanks for the opinions guys... very much appreciated.

Judging by what most are saying I think that I'll stick with the FD UR blades.  As the old saying goes, if it ain't broke why fix it?  FD UR is the only blade I've ever used and they seem to be working well for me.  I think I'm over the learning curve.

Don... you raise a good point pertaining to the cost/exchange.  I didn't really look closely at the Pegas blade and shipping costs.  In the past I've been ordering from Mike's workshop and will continue doing so.



