You recently posted a scroll saw project of an Indian Head with feather bonnet. Then a follower of this blog registered a objection and you removed it. Now I would like to give my unrequested opinion on this subject. I am an eighty three year old Pollack, second generation American. Not all that educated, but still thinking. Back in 1890 (or so) an artist by the name of Henry Francois Farny painted many pictures of the American Indian. He has recently become quite in vogue. One of his pictures was of a Indian wearing a headdress bonnet of feathers. I don't know if you used that painting to design your pattern, but, it looks real close. Now ask any young boy what an Indian of the old west would look like and he will inevitably describe the feathered bonnet. Maybe add a horse with no saddle, and a bow and arrow. Factual, maybe, but not derogatory. Think about a Chinese woman wearing a kimono or an Hawaiian wearing a hula skirt or any other stereotype. If you were making fun of them, I would agree that it is wrong.
All I am saying is that sometimes being politically correct is really dumb, you should not, and can not, make everyone happy.
Pease do not take offense, because none was intended.
Walter Fink