Author Topic: It is good to be here  (Read 1494 times)

Offline busco

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It is good to be here
« on: December 24, 2018, 04:17:36 pm »
I had a serious health scare Friday.  Upon arriving home from the hospital yesterday I have heard from people I haven't heard from in years since I moved to the state of Indiana.  Listening to their voices again was seriously good medicine.  I know we get on with our lives as time goes and we don't have the time or we forget those we have known.  Please people if not for the season or anything else get a hold of someone and let them know you were thinking them.  And for god's sake let your family that you love them.  My wife is a tuff young bird but seeing her brake down in the E.R.  well....I was thinking more about her well being than mine.  So with that, to everyone that frequents this blog,  I truly wish a Merry Christmas to you and yours and all the best in the coming year

Offline eburk

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Re: It is good to be here
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2018, 08:37:54 pm »
Glad you are still with us Busco, and a big AMEN about your comments. Merry Christmas to all that visit these pages.
Stayin' warm in the North country!

Offline Norm Fengstad

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Re: It is good to be here
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2018, 09:30:49 am »
Merry Christmas and Best in the New Year. An old friend gave me the motto " I have good days and better days," since adopting that attitude most days are better.  Received good advice again this morning as read the posts so today I will reach out to family and friends to ley them know how much they are appreciated.


