I am tired of dust (finally) - hahaha
Now with my new Excalibur 16, I would like to eliminate it.
I am very limited on space - my "shop" is the front wall of our two car garage. So a wall mounted unit would not work.
I've found this portable unit that would work great (space wise).
http://www.grizzly.com/products/1-HP-Light-Duty-Dust-Collector-Polar-Bear-Series/G1163PEven with both cars in the garage, I could roll it to my side and use the EX-16 in the evenings.
Then when I park the cars outside - roll out the table saw, router, or my bench sander - I'm set for those too.
I would just have to create a specific solution for the EX-16. I'm not sure the built-in dust port works as well as they planned (from what I've read).
I'm open to any suggestions -