I ordered a verity packs of Pegas blades many months ago of Pegas skip tooth blades and their modified geometry blades. There are so many veritables related to scrolling that I try to stay away fro, recommending blades as well as saws. A lot is personal preference and personal cutting styles. Only thing I do recommend is buy a verity of types and sizes and try them. I found, for me, I did not do well with Pegas Modified Geometry blades smaller than a #3. Just two aggressive for cutting small detail for me. I like the sizes above #3, when doing thicker, larger pieces. For the smaller size I preferred the Pegas Skip Tooth. But, I also found I would use a #1 Pegas Skip Tooth, where I would use a Flying Dutchman #2/0. So for me I could not just go size-wise. So I would suggest verity pack first (I found my verity packs at Lesley's Pattern site).
As for purchasing FD blades, from Wooden Teddy Bear (WTB) verses Mike's, I found it depends on what amount of blades you are buying. Example, my last"big" (for me) order of FD blades, I wanted to buy some sizes by the gross, and some sizes by in quantities of less than a gross. So I figured the cost plus shipping of filling my order at WTB verse Mike's. At Mike's you can choose different sizes of the same type blades to make a gross. At WTB you can get the gross price by ordering a gross of different types of blades. (hope that makes sense). Anyway, on the exact same order I saved a little over $6 total purchasing from WTB even though the shipping was higher. So it may be worth the time to figure the cost of the order at both places.