After a lot of thought (which is very hard for me) I have decided that buying a new saw is not the answer. However on Amazon I was able to purchase a reconditioned Delta 40-694 saw for $270.00 delivered and in only two days. A motor, on line, sells for $300 and no way will I spend over $1000.00 for a saw that may not be in production in a couple of years. I figure that most of the parts from the 40-690 will be useable on the 694 and I like the way the Delta saw works. After hearing how many companies are discontinuing making Scroll Saws I am wondering if we are a dying breed. Although I have not made enough money to maintain my current rate of poverty, Enough has been saved to pay for the saw. And the hours of enjoyment are priceless. About 90% of what I make is either donated to people or military recreational facilities. My house is still overloaded with stuff made in my shop. So, as long as possible, with Steve's help, I will continue to saw.