Author Topic: Happy New Year to Everyone from Galloway Scotland  (Read 1043 times)


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Happy New Year to Everyone from Galloway Scotland
« on: December 31, 2016, 05:57:40 pm »
I'd just like to wish everyone a happy new year and look forward to seeing more great projects on here, I have quite a few unusual projects planned and will keep you posted on the progress.
I recently added another scrollsaw to my workshop, a 30" Axminster EX30 (same as the Excalibur EX30 but with an added NVR switch and new lick of paint) so far so good and for some reason I never seem to snap any blades with it  ??? one thing I don't like is changing blades compared to my other Axminster saw (Hegner clone) the top clamp is easy but the lower one seems very fiddly......hopefully I will speed up with practice.
I have also modded the dust extraction on the EX30 and will post some photos so you can see the new setup. It works great and cost around £15 to do.
Another shop built gadget I have made is great for Intarsia sanding with a rotary tool, parts needed include a Wok Lid and a Bouncy Castle Blower (all will be revealed soon)
So been very busy getting the workshop organised and its slowly getting there.
So hope 2017 is an improvement on 2016.
Have fun
Brian and Ruth & Wee Hamish


