Author Topic: Need help not getting square cut on scrollsaw  (Read 2685 times)

Offline Nbmartin

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Need help not getting square cut on scrollsaw
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:07:01 pm »
Leveled table by using square and making cut on board then flipping and everything fit fine. Using #7 Flying Dutchman blade, cutting 1 1/2 walnut, cut was not square, but tapered not letting pieces butt together. Leveled again same results. Tried 1" board of pin got square cut and worked. Went back to thicker walnut got beveled cut again. Kept squaring table but didn't help. On one cut using 1 1/2 walnut the piece was actually thinner at top and bottom and fatter in middle. Not new at this but sure could use some help.

Offline wedo

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Re: Need help not getting square cut on scrollsaw
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2016, 10:48:59 pm »
Since the softer wood does cut square, it speaks of applying too much pressure to cutting and the blade then deflects causing tapered cuts. Try applying very little pressure to cut and see if that makes a difference.

Offline spirithorse

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Re: Need help not getting square cut on scrollsaw
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2016, 01:16:26 am »
I agree with wedo.
Either you are unknowingly deflecting the blade with too much pressure, not allowing
the blade to cut as you force the wood into the blade OR the blade is following
grain in the walnut and causing the problem. Even if the grain is part of the problem,
you should still be able to get a square cut as long as you let the blade do the work.
Good luck and God Bless! Spirithorse

Offline jscott2

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Re: Need help not getting square cut on scrollsaw
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2016, 08:39:17 am »
When I started scrolling, it took some effort to not push the wood sideways in an attempt to bring the blade back onto the line.  I finally learned that the way to get back to the line is to turn the wood, not to push sideways.

Another possibility is that your blade doesn't have the correct tension so it easily bows sideways or front to back.  Steve Good has a sound file in his blog  (on the left side partway down) that lets you hear the sound a correctly tensioned blade makes.

Using a Delta 40-690 in the Montreal, Quebec (Canada) area

Offline Nbmartin

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Re: Need help not getting square cut on scrollsaw
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2016, 11:29:35 am »
Since the softer wood does cut square, it speaks of applying too much pressure to cutting and the blade then deflects causing tapered cuts. Try applying very little pressure to cut and see if that makes a difference.
Not sure if I'm  doing this right, just wanted to say thanks for the help.

Offline Rockytime

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Re: Need help not getting square cut on scrollsaw
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2016, 07:36:53 pm »
I discovered I had the same problem when cutting kiddie puzzles. My problem was pushing the work to the side unknowingly.

Offline sawdust703

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Re: Need help not getting square cut on scrollsaw
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2016, 09:54:38 pm »
you didn't mention what type of saw you're using. If the blade is dead on square with the table, up & down, & across the table, next thing would be to check the squareness of the top & bottom arms. This can be done w/a carpenters square, & if possible, loosen the mounting bolts to square up the arms. You've got a good start on squaring it up.

You may also have a bad batch of blades. It happens.



