I have used the blue painters tape and spray glue method for years in applying patterns and it has always done exactly what was required. Recently, I went to Lowes (big box store) to replenish the tape. I have used 3M and was happy with it. I picked up a roll and started a new project. The tape held, but the spray glue did not. After a long fight, I realized that dummy (me) had bought a roll of blue DUCT tape instead of painters tape. Side by Side on the shelf. Duct tape will NOT work and almost destroyed the wood while trying to get it off. Back to the store and bought a roll of blue painters tape manufactured by Blue Hawk. Worked better but still had problems with the spray sticking. Today bought 3M Blue Painters tape and am completely happy. (poorer but happy) You need to try new things, but sticking to what makes you happy is best.