Have you downloaded Steve Goods "Stencil Printer" yet? If you haven't, I would HIGHLY recommend you do so.
It has so many fonts in it that it is unbelievable! And you can adjust the size of fonts and spacing to how ever you want to.
It may take a bit of learning and time but once you figure it out, you can make almost any lettering you want and print the pattern right off the computer. Also you can save your pattern (lettering) to your computer for future use.
Sometimes you may have to make two or three different print outs of different words because the most you can do is two lines. I quite often double space between words so that I can cut them out of the printout and arrange them any way that fits the project.
Also, not all the fonts are EXACTLY compatible for scrolling as there may be floaters but, just a bit of "red pencil" editing will make most of them work.
I use this all the time for inlaying names on box tops etc.
Hope that helps