My neice made a request of me this week. She said they'd love to put more Christ centered ornaments on their tree, so I started looking through my old patterns and I realized something. Other than a few nativity scenes or "stars", I don't really have many ornaments that fit her request.
So I started trying to figure out what I could do about that.
On Christmas eve, I always enjoyed gathering my family together and reading the nativity story out of Luke and Matthew. So I wondered if I couldn't create a series of ornaments that represent the various parts of the story. I'm also trying to learn how to use Adobe Illustrator, but I don't learn well without a goal. So I'll use the creation of these ornaments to learn more about Illustrator.
I could picture bringing these ornaments out as I read the story, and allowing the kids to put them on the tree as the story progresses.
So here's my first attempt. The first thing that occurred to me. The Angel visiting Mary to tell her she is with child. Then the angel visits Joseph in his dreams to tell him to wed Mary.
*Edit* I put the story and the ornaments into PDFs for easier download and I made a coloring book version because there's no way I'm going to be able to cutout ornaments for all of my friends that want these. I'm going to print the last pages of the coloring book on heavy card stock and give them to friends and family and thought I'd pass it along here.
PDF with Christmas Story and Ornaments as Coloring Cutouts
PDF with Ornament Patterns