Author Topic: Honing Block  (Read 767 times)


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Honing Block
« on: August 13, 2013, 11:16:48 pm »
Does anyone know if this is good for the money? I am going to use it to sharpen my jointer knives while they are in the jointer. I saw a video on how, and it seems easy.

Here is the youtube video on how to hone the knives->

rob roy

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Re: Honing Block
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2013, 05:59:15 am »
You should be OK with that Dustin, just make sure you don't lose the bevel and remember it wont take out chips if you happen to hit a hard knot. By the way Dustin, that's a superb website you set up.Not that I know much about computers. For 16 years you are doing remarkably well. Don't keep referring to when you are old and grey. I started in the woodworking trade when I was 15 years old and i'm now 67 and still make MISTAKES, or senior moments as some folks would say. I wish you all the very best in your endeavours and I hope you keep it up. Oh! btw Dustin, I don't have any hair to go grey LOL.
Best wishes from Scotland to you and Dylan.
Rob Roy.

Offline Al W

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Re: Honing Block
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2013, 07:45:55 am »
Morning Dustin,

I have two of those blocks, and I use one of them for touching up an edge here and there.  I rarely use the other one as the surfaces and NOT straight and have concave surface. 

Make sure you check the surface(s) and ensure they are FLAT before trying to sharpen the jointer knives, you may find it cheaper in the long run to remove the knives (as I did yesterday) and take them to a professional sharpening service.

Good luck.
Molon Labe

Believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear.

The government is NOT always right, or on your side.

rob roy

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Re: Honing Block
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2013, 07:58:36 am »
As you say Al, make sure they are flat. I stripped the diamond slips off the plastic box and got the two I use fixed to flat steel backing plates. Mind you it was done by a friend of mine who works in an engineering shop. Don't ask me what he used but it was some weird and wonderful adhesive and they are still good after 4 years. I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of these high tech super
Rob Roy.


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Re: Honing Block
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2013, 09:20:58 am »
Thank you Rob for the kind comment, and hair loss at old age doesn't seem to affect my family much  :)  Thanks for the tips and I will do it with them in the jointer and see how it goes. The jointer is new and the knives are sharp, just wanted them to be the best they can be, never know if they are in tip top shape from the floor.

rob roy

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Re: Honing Block
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2013, 09:54:29 am »
No problem Dustin, just make sure the cutters are parallel all the way across the surface of the table, and at the right height at the outfeed table. Not always correct when the come out of the box. HTH. Good luck with it.
Rob Roy.
P S mind your FINGERS LOL.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2013, 09:56:14 am by rob roy »


