Author Topic: Gun Bans  (Read 1843 times)

Offline Gabby

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Gun Bans
« on: February 06, 2013, 02:09:53 am »
Hi folks I came across this letter and decided to forward it to my congressmen If you agree feel free to do the same.
I made a small change to the original and see no reason you shouldn?t make changes of your own. Just keep it civil and to the point being made, so the armed public keeps its good name.  :)
Just copy and paste where ever you need to.
Bill AKA Gabby

I urge you to vote NO on any gun ban...NO on any magazine ban...NO on criminalizing private firearms transfers...and NO on any gun registration scheme.

I believe that the first and foremost reason that the American people need the right and ability to possess modern semi-automatic rifles and pistols is to ensure that our own government never feels it is more powerful than its citizens.
As long as the American people have the right to own the very same type of weapons with which the military and police are armed, they need not fear the government. It is that purpose that was and still is the primary reason behind the one line paragraph the States ratified as the Second Amendment, "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
The second reason Americans need high capacity semi-automatic firearms has a more practical, immediate application in our modern society. Citizens must not be stripped of the ability to effectively counter criminal violence. Virtually all law enforcement agencies and officers are either issued AR-15 style rifles, or have them accessible. But, that is the police. In the context of self defense, why do armed citizens need AR-15 style weapons? Because, the armed citizen faces the VERY SAME criminals that police face. The only difference is that police, because they are more often called TO the incident, face these criminals more regularly. Understand, though, criminals do not prey on police, but instead, they victimize the public.

In conclusion, I believe ownership, possession and use of modern semi-automatic rifles and pistols are necessary for the armed citizen in America. Individually, one is likely never to actually need the ability to fire 20-30 rounds in an encounter. But, if the need does ever arise, circumstances are then so dire that having access to that weapon will be vitally important. It will likely be a lifesaver. If only they or ANY firearms had been available at Sandy Hook  and the Movie Theater in Colorado those situations would have been played out differently. I believe posted gun free zones should be abolished they encourage violence just as a large school of fish invites attack by predators. Just watch Discovery or Animal Planet to see what happens there.      


