That's pretty funny about the Christmas Garbage packages.
Once upon a time, I ordered a 56k modem from a company. It never arrived. When I called, they claimed that UPS delivered it, but didn't get a signature. We'll if they delivered it, they didn't deliver it here, So they sent me another.
A few years later, we had this old car in the driveway that would cost more to fix than it was worth. We decided to have it towed to the junk yard... The tow truck driver said, hey do you want these packages from the back seat? Packages? Come to find out that the UPS guy stuck packages in the unlocked car. He didn't realize that the car didn't run since the exterior looked to be in good condition... I guess he thought we would find them the next time we drove it. By then my new modem was obsolete, and aunt Mary's fruit cake was like a brick. Well, it was probably already a brick when she mailed it, but 2 years in the back seat of a car didn't help..
So the motto of my story is that if you need a Rock hard fruitcake, or obsolete modem, check the back seat of your parked car... You never know, maybe that new Excalibur you didn't order is in there too.