A while back I wrote a post how my brother and law took part of my scroll saw to work and had a buddy weld it for me after it broke. So yesterday I took one of Steve's patterns and cut it, finished it and started to put it together. My cuts where a little off so it didn't line up. I thought, "ok, might as well do it". I glued it together, took it back over to the saw and somehow managed to trim off the excess without even cutting into the stained pieces. Then I drilled the holes for the 1/4 inch dowel rods, (without thinking) for the 1/4 inch dowels. Naturally the dowels wouldn't fit. I don't have a 9/64 inch drill bit, I didn't want to try to mill down the dowel and I sure didn't want to waller out the hole...so, what do I do?. I went to my bench sander and tapered one end of each dowel and used a hammer to carefully tap it through, (fortunatally I had cut them a little long) then I used my flush cut saw to cut off the excess, gave it a quick shot of polly to bring out the color in the dowels and hide the miniscule scuffs from the flush cut and presto...finished product. It was a simple desighn but I'm really proud of thid one guys and gals.