My preferred method is to take a sheet of paper kitchen towel and fold it in half lenghtwise untill it is about 1" wide. Take the folded towel and put a very little BLO on the end of it (about 5 - 6 drips) with the lathe at high speed (2000rpm) wipe this over the length of the pen blank for about 5 seconds with light pressure, using the same part of the towel put a small pool of ca glue (4 - 5 drips) on it then apply this to the underside of the blank and move it side to side fairly fast while keeping an even pressure on it. It will go quite dull and misty looking but keep it moving with the pressure and it will turn shiny after a few seconds, it should get warm while doing this, if it gets hot you have too much glue. after it goes shiny cut off the used section of towel and repeat the process. I usually put 8 coats on each section of the pen. Each coat takes about 15 seconds once you get used to it. I have made up a board with dowels to take 10 pairs of pen blanks and as each is finished I put it on that then leave them overnight to fully harden. (you can assemble them straight away if needed, but I prefer to leave them overnight) Hope this helps.