Author Topic: Bob Tucker amazing man  (Read 705 times)

Sawdust John

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Bob Tucker amazing man
« on: June 09, 2010, 09:41:22 am »
Hi all

I just thought I would share a story with you that had the potential to be very bad but ended ok. 

At about midnight Thursday 3rd June Shontelle my wife had to call 000 for me, (In Australia that is the same as 911). From then to Tuesday 8th my home has been The Royal Melbourne Hospital. At first it was thought I had had a stroke. I was lucky it was the start of a stroke but without any long lasting symptoms, the clot moved before damage was done; the medical term is a Transient Ischaema Attack (TIA). The bottom line I?m still ok but cannot drive for a month. I have a lot more checks to be done on my heart before I?m out of the woods. All the other checks are done as an out patient so at least I?m home with the family. 

After getting home and getting comfortable I thought I would check my emails. The first one I checked was from Steve Good talking about an Interview with Bob Tucker. I did not go on with this but checked all my other emails. The next day I checked Steve Goods website, I watched the Interview with Bob Tucker. This man is incredible, what he has achieved and the quality of his work is amazing.

I say this knowing how hard it can be to Scroll Saw with 2 hands. Having been in a Hospital ward for the last 5 days with men this has happened to. And last but not least having been though part of what other men and woman have been through. This is an amazing man, amazing story and very inspirational. (Please to all hold your family close)

Well done Bob. 



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Re: Bob Tucker amazing man
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2010, 11:07:21 am »
god bless bob tucker


