Well, I went to the store, bought some more BB and taped it together. Put the pattern on and starting cutting. For some odd reason my blades kept coming out of my stupid holders. After about half an hour of not so much fun and not such a nice language about how my stupid @$%& blades needed to stay in the %$#@ holder. Then after a lot of praying for forgiveness I managed to get things started. Just like last time all the holes in my snow flake came out perfect. Well, by that time I was pretty happy that my blades were working right. SO with one more prayer for forgiveness and a prayer that I just needed to get the project done nice, I started cutting the outer shape. I took the advice of many a good friend on here and cut a pilot hole close to the project. By doing this I was able to cut the entire snowflake and not have the wood slip. The project turned out good and I have it packed ready for my friend's children to paint. Thanks for the help and advice to all who offered it.