Author Topic: I think I'm done  (Read 4692 times)

Charlie Dearing

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I think I'm done
« on: June 08, 2010, 03:13:28 pm »
I don't have anymore left in me.  I am spending more to make patterns (carbon paper, paper, printer ink) than I am making in pattern sales.  I am not writing this to whine, just to explain my actions. 
As far as finished work, had a customer want one of my cuttings.  Asked if I could lower the price.  I lowered the price.  He said he'd be by today to buy it.  Called and said he's changed his mind.  Something always gets in the way of me getting a sale of finished pieces....and those are rare as well.
Call me whiner, call me a quitter...I'm done.  It's not fun anymore.

Charlie Dearing

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Re: I think I'm done
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2010, 03:19:38 pm »
The announced raffle winner will still get to choose his 30 patterns. 


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Re: I think I'm done
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2010, 03:56:19 pm »
Don't give up Charlie, you are to talented, I have never sold patterns so I do not know how to help, but maybe there is another avenue or route you can take to sell your patterns, I am sure someone in here has some ideas. Also look ahead on the calendar and see what is coming up, Fathers day, Fourth of July, and design a pattern for that calendar event. As far as selling items I do go to craft shows and I can relate to people wanting to talk you down in price. Have you tried selling your pieces at work places, if you know someone who works in an office see if they might be willing to take some pictures of your items in and try to sell them. To reduce your cost of wood, I sometimes will ask for old pallets that have wide boards on them, sand them and you have free wood. I really hate to see you give up, besides we are looking forward to seeing the last supper cutting.

Offline GrayBeard

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Re: I think I'm done
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2010, 04:48:23 pm »
You aren't done yet, Cowboy!

You are just staring to see life as it can be and it ain't fair but by God it is livable!

You roll with the punches and they don't hurt so much!

Neither I nor most folks who have attained a few more years than you will try to tell you what to do. For that you have to REALLY look inside yourself.

We may not be 'close' but we are your family and no kid of mine is gonna quit.
I have one who tried and until he hit the very bottom of the bottle he was useless to himself and everyone else. Now he has turned his life around and re-connected with everything he 'thought' he threw away forever and he sure feels great about it.

Not preaching, but take yourself out in the woods and just sit and talk to whoever will listen. Trust me....IT WORKS!

I never really wanted to grow up....All I wanted was to be able to reach the cookie jar...and play with my DW 788

Offline Rapid Roger

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Re: I think I'm done
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2010, 05:33:58 pm »
I used to sell the second most expensive tools in the world. (Mac tools, Snap-on are the most expensive) When people would try to get me to lower the price, I would just say "NO"! Explaning that I was in business to make a living, not friends.
If you lower the price, people think that your product must not be worth what you are asking and deside that they can get the same thing cheaper elswhere. They need to see the value in a good wrench (or hand made item) and that in the long run it is  worth spending the extra money for what you are selling.
If they press you on price a bit, just say "Money talks and BS walks, lets see what color your money is." If they don't buy the item right there and then forget about it. They won't be back, they just want to see how far they can push you.
I'm sorry to hear about your fustration but, I understand the problem and you must just keep knocking on doors and trying to get the sale.
Lets face it, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. It takes a special person to sell special items and you have the tallent to make the special items you just need to work on the sales end a little harder. It is there in you, you just havent found it yet. Keep trying, you can make it work.


An ounce of responsablity is worth 10 pounds of state and fedral laws.


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Re: I think I'm done
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2010, 06:12:16 pm »
Hi Charlie, I went through a bad selling spell so I went to the local Vets and asked if I could put up a dog cutting to drum up some customers worked great still get the orders now, also did the same with local stables and the pet cemetary infact I even put the prices up a bit.  Its like any other business you will get good and bad times, things will pick up and tomorrow is another day..........Paul ;D

Offline jimbo

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Re: I think I'm done
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2010, 06:14:10 pm »
Dead right Rog, I have been in sales for most of my life and even now I am selling my wood craft I will not reduce my price, I have many ask at craft fairs the answer is aways NO my prices are wholesale, not retail, I did a job for a costomer they supplied the wood 10 salad bowls, that was over 12 months ago I have kept 4 and will sell the rest to cover costs, the rest I cut up and gave away as fire wood, no deposit no work, and that is my motto from now on, I do give stuff away to family and good freinds


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Re: I think I'm done
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2010, 06:40:52 pm »
Charlie--I wish I could afford to buy all of your pattern books--They are great and have fantastic patterns--Uncle Sam did a number on me this year (IRS). Things are a little tight right now but hang in there, they can't get much worse for you. As Greybeard said--Take a long walk and just talk to yourself because the big guy is listening and when you least expect it an answer will come to you. Just take it easy buddy and lean on all of us here--We can handle it--Richard aka thumbs


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Re: I think I'm done
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2010, 07:19:09 pm »
     Charlie. Don't know if you travel much. But up here in Indiana, every October. We have a Covered Bridge Festible. People from all over the world come to this. Its in the county just north of us. But were so close I think it starts in this county, and travels north. Its so big it last 2 full weeks. In the little town of Bridgeton, thats all you find. People making & selling thier crafts. Might be worth looking into. P.S. I think FDR said this. "If your at the end of your rope, Tie a knot and hang on". Hang on Charlie. You never know what tomorrow will bring. Dave


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Re: I think I'm done
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2010, 09:24:00 pm »
Charlie... if you had guitar patterns, I'd buy em.

Charlie Dearing

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Re: I think I'm done
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2010, 09:24:33 pm »
I appreciate all the pep talk and encouragement.  I truly do.  I'd like to make it clear, though, that I am not saying all of this as a childish scheme to get sales and not pouting, whining or throwing a tantrum.  Some people just have it in them lol...not sure I do.  Even my wildlife book has only yielded 155 in a year.  I started patterns and cutting for fun, then sadly did it for money and it turned to work.  Work is fine, but....well....   I don't even know how to finish my sentence.  I guess in some ways i think to myself, why make more if the ones ya have aren't selling? I know it sounds like pouting but I'm really not.  I am calm, cool and collected.  
As far as travel..well, without trying to sound like a pity party, I can't afford to travel.  

Charlie Dearing

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Re: I think I'm done
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2010, 09:26:41 pm »
I also want to make it very clear that many people have done way more than they had help me.  I will never forget that.


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Re: I think I'm done
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2010, 10:15:47 pm »
Keep the site going Charlie...I was introduced to your site through this community.  I just bought my first pattern, the big rig semi, from your site and it is AMAZING!!  I'm sure I'm not the only one who has just recently found your site because of this forum.

Keep it going...keep have a lot of people behind you.

And to the guy who wanted you to lower your price...then didn't buy....screw him!!  He has know idea what he just missed...


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Re: I think I'm done
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2010, 10:44:50 pm »
I know at least sort of what you're going through, Charlie.  I worked for myself for a period and it was the worst job I ever had - at least in terms of income.

Your work is gorgeous.  The only reason I haven't bought any of your patterns is because I know I am not skilled enough to cut them.  But like others here, I didn't even know about you until that first recent chat night Steve had.  I wonder if exposure is the key.  Have you looked into what an ad costs in one of the magazines?  Maybe some videos on youtube?  Both of those would require an up-front investment though.  I don't know if there is anything like this out there (I don't recall ever seeing one), but what about writing a book on how to make patterns?  You've written a tutorial.  You could build out from that.  Or could you write an article for one of the magazines?  Maybe you could trade the article for some ads even.  If the article was successful, you might be able to expand on it to make the book.

I'm just kind of brainstorming here but your ability to make pattens like you do is a real gift.  It seems like there must be some way to capitalize on it.

Charlie Dearing

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Re: I think I'm done
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2010, 05:50:21 am »
Becky, don't sell yourself short either.  If you can somewhat follow a line...that's all it is.  The rest is ONLY patience.
Yes I have looked into ads for the magazines.  Way too pricey...  definitely would increase exposure though.
I have considered youtube videos....working on it.
I dont have articles in mags but swwc (Scrollsaw Woodworks and Crafts) has material from me, but don't plan to print it until next year...
I have patterns in the "Scroller ltd" catalog but they said Jeff Zaffino is their primary portrait pattern guy.  They have over 100 of my patterns waiting to be put in their catalog.  I'm trying to get up the courage to go to other catalogs too.  A little shy about pushing myself on others so I have procrastinated.


