Got mine as well! Now to pick out the perfect ornament!
I have been working for the Postal Service since I retired from the Air Force in 2005. Here are a few pointers for mailing your ornaments;
1. Make sure the address is complete. A lot of times, the carrier working a particular route may only be filling in on that route. He/she won't be familiar with who lives where on a street.
Therefore; John or Jane John or Jane Smith
Main Street 123 Maine Street
City, State ZIP City, State ZIP
2. Make sure the address is legible. I always cover the address with packing tape to make sure it doesn't get ruined by moisture or friction.
3. Package your ornament well! Don't expect a fragile ornament to survive the trip simply slid into a padded envelope and marked "Fragile". Your package is going to be handled numerous times by humans and machines, neither of which have the time to pick your package up gingerly and set it down with care in it's own little protected corner. Millions of packages get processed daily, and to the machines and personnel, your package is no different than any other, no matter what you tell the person at the counter! Package it appropriately!
4. Mail it early enough to get where it's going! Mail volume increases significantly this time of year, so don't expect that parcel to make it across the country in under a week.
Following these simple ideas will help get your ornament where its going! Plan ahead and you'll be much less likely to have problems, however, not all problems can be completely avoided!!!
Have fun, and Thank You again Russ!