I have learned something very well tonight. My scroll saw can sure serve up a double helping of humble pie really fast.
Because of a lot of things going on in my life - lost my mom in March, looking after my 87 year old dad, and working - way too much working. And so my schedule really didn't allow me much time for scrolling for a few months now.
I did think that I was doing OK when I first got the saw. I wasn't fast but the results did seem half decent, in my opinion anyway.
And so tonight I was sitting in the shop and was looking at my saw. On it's table was a project that was left unfinished for around three months. It was early in the evening and I wasn't feeling too tired so I thought I'd give it a go. Bad mistake. Really bad mistake.
I thought I would just pick up where I left off. As I said, I thought I was doing pretty good at the time before I stopped, at least for a newbie. Well... I threaded the blade, stepped on the pedal and promptly ruined said project. It was like I never touched a scroll saw in my life!!!
I now know that in fact, I will have to start all over again with the learning curve... back to watching Steve's videos and so forth. But I also know that in order to get back to where I was skill-wise, I have to devote more time to the saw. I've made a note to myself... self, quit working earlier so that you're not too tired, have dinner and then head down to the shop and crank up the saw for an hour or so.