Author Topic: New home of Patrick  (Read 907 times)


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New home of Patrick
« on: May 09, 2012, 03:09:23 am »
 :D Hello,
It's been a long time since I have not come on this site, and it is with regret.
Having finally created my own site about my hobbies, I invite you to visit.
Of course I inserted the link to that site, "scrollsaw Workshop" one of my favorite sites.
But unfortunately for you in French, but as you can see, I manage to write in your language although I do not understand anything in English.
I use google translate to make myself understood, so if you come visit me, so do the same, unless you speak French.
I present in my site, what I do in wood turning, fretwork, art painting, music and crafts. What to spend a long time during your visit.
So feel free to come take a ride in Belgium
Welcome to all
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 03:12:42 am by cloetpatrick »

Offline jscott2

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Re: New home of Patrick
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2012, 09:03:29 am »
Patrick, the scrollsaw pattern with the birds on the first page is beautiful.  Good work.

You have an interesting site but will have more visitors if they can see the pages without becoming a member.  I tried to contact you through your site but first must register so I am sending this through the forum/

Even though I live on Montreal, Quebec, I am not very good with French so I also used Google to write this.  (Your post on this forum was very understandable - Google translate works quite well.)

Patrick, le mod?le scrollsaw avec les oiseaux sur la premi?re page est belle. Bon travail.

Vous avez un site int?ressant, mais aura plus de visiteurs si on peut voir les pages sans pour autant devenir un membre. J'ai essay? de vous contacter via votre site, mais doit d'abord s'inscrire afin que je vous envoie ce par l'interm?diaire du forum /

M?me si je vis ? Montr?al, Qu?bec, je ne suis pas tr?s bonne avec le fran?ais donc j'ai aussi utilis? Google pour ?crire cela. (Votre message sur ce forum ?tait tr?s compr?hensible - Google translate fonctionne tr?s bien.)

Bonne chance,
Using a Delta 40-690 in the Montreal, Quebec (Canada) area


