Author Topic: steaves post today  (Read 3124 times)


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steaves post today
« on: May 04, 2012, 05:46:28 am »
just read steaves blog today and to the guy that sent the email your story is just like mine i am also hurt and am in non stop pain and found the world of scrolling to be a awsome help to my life i started with a scroll saw in a little building in the corner and now i have worked my way to a full wood working shop and everyday i work on sumthing and it has helped me deal with the pain i to wake up and the first thing i do is check steaves blog and this forum scrolling is a awsome hobby and i have turned it in to a great way to earn extra money to buy more wood and tools and can thank it all to steave good and the people here on this site   thank you all very much

Offline Al W

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Re: steaves post today
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2012, 08:01:36 am »
May the sun shine on your face, may the wind blow at your back, may you have a coin in your pocket, and may you have a pattern for your saw.

Best of Luck to you. 
Molon Labe

Believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear.

The government is NOT always right, or on your side.


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Re: steaves post today
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2012, 09:58:24 am »
Steves email was great. I understand how you feel. I am with pain now, hopefully the Dr. can take care of it, but scrolling has sure helped. I can't think steve and all the outstanding people enough here on the site. A friend gave me an oolldd Craftsman Scroll Saw last year and I was Hooked. I wish I would have found scrolling 20 years ago.

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Re: steaves post today
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2012, 11:21:59 am »
That is a wonderful email and I too sat back and took a moment to reflect and realize that "I ain't got it so bad after all!"

I never really wanted to grow up....All I wanted was to be able to reach the cookie jar...and play with my DW 788


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Re: steaves post today
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2012, 11:32:35 am »
 With GB, I ain't got it so bad after all. I use scrolling as a stress reliever. Works great for me and it keeps the Advil and Tylenol away.


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Re: steaves post today
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2012, 04:00:11 pm »
That was an awesome blog today.  Thanks for pointing it out, and making me take the time to read it.

Offline cdrover(Clyde)

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Re: steaves post today
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2012, 07:37:48 pm »
It is amazing how other people say what you are thinking sometimes. Since the 10 of March I have been plagued with back problems, spinal stenosis and pinched nerve.  I have worked 7 days since then. The doctor has me off for another 4 weeks at this point. I was depressed to a point that I did not want to leave the house. However this week I did go to the shed and started cutting some patterns to make the wooden ducks that is in current issue of SSWC. The pain it not so bad and I get a sense of accomplishment that I am doing something. So to the person who wrote the letter to Steve,  "Thank You". You said it all.
What are we here for but to help others. (Author unknown)


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Re: steaves post today
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2012, 08:01:03 am »
I admire all you good people who have to live with pain on a daily basis. I know it is not easy. I have five prolapsed disc and suffer from sciatica. My right knee is in pieces so I know what pain is. Some days are better than others. I find scroll sawing is a great therapy, it takes my mind off things and I love every moment I am on the saw. I sell what I make and it pays for the upkeep of the workshop, the tools and lots of wood. I don't moan and say. "Why me Lord." because what I would be saying is why not someone else instead of me. There are a lot of people worse off than me and I just thank God I can do what I do.


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Re: steaves post today
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2012, 07:10:47 pm »

 Good Morning All

 Well I thought I would sign up and step forward and identify myself....

 I am the guy who sent the email to Steve...

 My name is Trev and I am 31 and live in Australia..

 As i said in my email I tend to ramble a bit and sometimes struggle to get what I am trying to say across to the reader...

 What I was wanting to say at the end of my email was that Steve is a very special and rare person as not only is he very gifted with his scrolling but is also an excelent teacher... It is rare to find someone who not only has a high level skill at something and is also able to teach the skill effectively... But as we all know Steve can do both!

 My Wife is a teacher and I often joke with her and say "Those that can do... and those who can't teach" Well Steve has certainly proved that saying wrong!

 As for my pain i had a severe hand crush injury in july last year and had to travel 5 hours each way to a hospital in Brisbane twice a week as my local hospital was not set up to deal with such injuries.... I had 4 operations in total in the space of 3 months and each one of them made things worse... The last operation was due to the surgeon accidently pushing a K wire further up my hand when he was trying to remove it... I do not blame the surgeon at all and know deep down the surgeon was only trying his best to fix a hand that was a big mess...

 Like I said in my email I do strulge with my pain levels and would often find myself wandering around the house at odd hours of the night not knowing what to do with myself due to the pain whilst everyone else in the house was sound asleep...

 I then discovered "Steve" and would fire up the computer when in pain at night whilst waiting for the pain killers to work... I would read everything he wrote and watch all of his Videos on youtube.... I was hooked on learning but did not own a saw and was not sure if I would be able to do it due to my hand...

 I then came across one of Steves Videos called "what the heck is it or a similar tittle" In the video he talked about how sometimes people get arthritis and pain and struggle to do what this Jig does for them... It turned out to be a spray can mixer that used a drill...

 This got me thinking that I can always do things but maybe need to come up with other ways or ideas to help me do what I am not able to do...

 So a few weeks ago I went to the local hardware store and bought a Ryobi Saw after checking it could accept pin end blades and variable speed and a good warranty I made the purchase... It was only $200Au but suits me to the ground with the limited budget I have... I ordered some flying dutchman blades and while waiting for them to arrive found olson blades at another store so got a pack of those too.

 With my hand I can't push and pivot the wood with my right fingers at all but I seem to manage to have good controll using the side of my palm (under my pinky finger but on the side) I mainly use the right hand to hold the wood down and can slightly manipulate the wood but for more intricate manipulation I use my left hand....

 So there we have it... Despite my thoughts about myself not being able to do it due to my hand I can do it, I do it, and I will do it for the rest of my life..

 When the saw is on and I am working away it is like I have gone to another planet where pain does not exist... it is only when I have finished for the day does the pain come back with a vengence but the morphine patch is helping a little with that....

 Things will only get better...

 I was so touched to see Steve had shared my email with everyone and when I read the comments on the forum last night about my email I admit I got a little teary as I read of others who are like me... who have similar problems.. but most of all people who understand me!

 I want to say to those who wrote above this that I am so greatfull for your kind words and like I said in my email I am not a religeous bloke at all but I do pray that the world blesses and protects you all in what ever you may do...

 I will try to post pics of some of my work when i figure out how and I also look forward to getting to know you all better... For the first time ever I feel like a piece of a jigsaw who has finally found where he fits..



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Re: steaves post today
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2012, 07:20:55 pm »

 Here we go..

 The owls and portrait still need finishing.... I have had so many people ask me to do them a set of owls.. The owls were done yesterday and was my first attempt at stack cutting...

 I did the portrait last week and had a blast doing it...

 The Keychain was done for my sister inlaw who does roller derby and "carnage" is her roller derby name and the black and red is the team colours... My sister in law has a twin Sister who also does roller derby so I have to do another one of her roller derby name... I did these the day I sent steve the email and really enjoyed playing with the clay (child hood memories)

Offline jeff44

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Re: steaves post today
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2012, 07:24:08 pm »
Welcome to the family Trev.  We are happy that you found Steve and his family.  The family always is here for you, at any time day or night, if you have questions or just need some one to talk to, with the family being world wide someone is usually up and available to talk to.  I am in the Southern United States, Georgia to be exact.  Jeff

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Re: steaves post today
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2012, 07:26:33 pm »
Hey Trev, Welcome to the forum! I admire your perseverance! This is a great hobby and Steve has provided a wonderful forum for all to discuss it!
I hope you can make yourself at home here and I hope your hand will improve!
Dan In Southern California

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Re: steaves post today
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2012, 07:30:58 pm »
Wow, I guess we were typing at the same time! Some very nice cutting there! You are off to a great start!
Dan In Southern California

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Re: steaves post today
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2012, 02:39:19 am »
Hi Trev, first of all welcome to the forum.  I'm Marg and I also live in Australia, I'm down in Victoria.
I am sorry to learn of your accident and I hope that at some time the pain will ease for you.  I only have a broken hand and wrist at the moment but I have managed to scroll a little and found that it didn't hurt until I stopped, but at least I know mine will go away eventually.
My hope for you is that you continue with your new found hobby/addiction and that you join your new found scroll saw forum family regularly.


No one notices what I do until I'm not here to do it............

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Re: steaves post today
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2012, 09:14:14 am »
Hi Trev and welcome to the forum.  We are so glad you joined us.  I'm Julie from Texas.  I started scrolling 5 or 6 years before this forum but my abilities have been expanded widely due to the expertise of Steve and the others on this forum.  So many of us have physical limitations that we have had many topics on ways to make our hobby more comfortable or easier to manage.  I am happy that you felt comfortable enough to share your story with us.
I know you said you were not particularly religious but it is said when God closes a door, he opens a window.  This may have been a blessing in disguise.  You have now found a hobby that brings you much pleasure and redirects your pain.  I hope the doctors can fix your hand and alleviate your pain.  Keep at it.  Like Jeff said, we are a family and will be here for you.


